forum Talk about yourself!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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My story is still a mess but I’m okay with that, I’m not even sure if I’ll ever write a book or a webcomic with it in the first place. I just have it so I can use it if I ever want to

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Although like….
It's weird because the kid is in a dream seeing through the evil person's eyes, but they have no idea why they're acting the way they are, if you know what I mean???? It's really strange.

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But unfortunately it doesn't last that way forever.

However, there are instances where he meets his evil self like through mirrors and can see him in photos and stuff, but can't actually touch him.

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And he has all sorts of fwiends :3
Not the evil guy. Jus de kid.

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… I was jus talking about my fanfic thingie like 10 hours ago.

I bet it sounds a bit… Weird…

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Trust me, I've done weirder things… It is not wise to leave me alone for an extended period of time without supervision… Not good.

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No, I mean I'm just sitting here. Talking about it. Like…. It probably sounds totally uninteresting…. Yet I don't really care.


Trust me, I've done weirder things… It is not wise to leave me alone for an extended period of time without supervision… Not good.

I’m 90% sure I scared my best friend away from joining this site simply by being a little too weird (but then again, she’s also the same person who crushes on the Gary Stu protagonists of animes so I guess I’m not that weird)

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I have to learn about the water cycle right now, this is so lame…

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I thought we were supposed to talk about our interests here….. But…
I can dump more fanfic fact stuffy of mine in here. It may not make sense, but at least the both of us will be wisely occupied.