forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

fun fun, i wouldnt put too much pressure into it tho, its no good if you stress yourself out and get stress filled headaches and such. Just do your best and if you don get collage stuff there's working then collage or just starting at community if you need to ;P i believe in you


My most esteemed Individual
I would be disowned if I didn't go to college, like starting at a 4 year private collage is like my only option as far as my parents are concerned. I can't just move out after High school because I'm graduating at 17, so Ugh yeah I have to go to BYU or BYU-I or I will be disowned, no Financial help at all. I don't really have a choice.
And how did you know I have a stress headache? Did I type that? I don't know my memory is going.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

no you didnt lol, i know about stress headaches bc i have been having one all day myself and i know how sucky they can get and i want you to take care of yourself.
also your parents really need to reevaluate there parenting skills if they think that just bc you don't go to a college right away they should disown you,
i would love to give them some pointers.


My most esteemed Individual
I would be disowned if I didn't go to college, like starting at a 4 year private collage is like my only option as far as my parents are concerned. I can't just move out after High school because I'm graduating at 17, so Ugh yeah I have to go to BYU or BYU-I or I will be disowned, no Financial help at all. I don't really have a choice.
And how did you know I have a stress headache? Did I type that? I don't know my memory is going.

I know exactly how you feel. BYU, even though it is out of state, which why for my undergrad. I can't tell you how much I wish I could move out after high school. Which BYU are you forced to go to? Also, are your parent's making you do like 30 scholarships per quarter, be a member of like 5 clubs for the college applications, and keep at least a 3.5 GPA? I am in a very similar boat my friend, so when you ask about stress headaches, let me tell you, it is probably a mixture of stress, anxiety, and staring at a screen for a while.


I'm Probably going to be at BYU-I, I don't mind going there I just wish I had a bit more of an option. I would probably transfer there after getting all of the basic classes done but no. It's what ever just frustrating.
And no Luckily I am not forced to be in clubs just participate in all Church activities and apply for a lot of things. I did Swim and Band out of spite but now they're like "Well you committed to them so you're going to do that on top of your other work."
The GPA most definitely a thing, I don't have a 4.2 because I want it. It's because I have to.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I got extremely lucky; as long as I was passing my parents didn't care. However that doesn't mean that I didn't try my hardest. My high school senior year I almost made all-year honor-roll (I missed the last portion of the school year).


Just staying up late
talking to my sister who is at college
and waiting for my friend to message me
and if he doesn't that is two day's in a row and that is just I mean
come on dude we made a promise.
It's fine I wont be bitter I'll just be sad because I enjoy taking to my friend.


He might be asleep
but I doubt it
we have been friends for to long
You know when you have to play the game with your self of
Stalker or close friend.
Yeah, I know this boys sleeping habits, does that make me feel a bit like a stalker, yes. But you just learn somethings when you send each other messages before you go to sleep.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Rode my bike 6 or 7 miles to his house, and he freaking leaves! Ok, I can understand that he had other friends that he wants to see, and has things to do. Not to mention that I've rode my bike much further than that multiple times, but that's besides the point. He's done this multiple times now.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

hey guys im new to this chat but its 2am and i just finished a 3 hour minecraft session trying to find a nether fortress only to die in a lava pit with my enchanted diamond sword, enchanted diamond pickaxe, and nether anchor all burning in the lava with me.
not to be dramatic but that was the worst experience of my entire life LOL


Ahahaha guess who just lost literally all of her fic :,D

I know I'll never be able to have the motivation to re-write it and even if I did it wouldn't turn out like it almost did. Anyone know Linked Universe and okay with slightly incoherent notes? We got Ravio!! We got Shadow!! We got delirious boys!!

@saor_illust school

hnnnnnnng I all but passed out abt an hour or so ago for a couple hours from exhaustion I think and u can't go back to slep bc I can't fall asleep but I'm extremely tired and can't focus on anything