forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 116 followers


Awkwardly averts eye's because I didn't enjoy it all that much
Is it to much to ask for like, a romance to be like I don't know actually how romance works? Or like teens to act like teens, or you know Characters to feel like people not like predictable character tropes?
It wasn't bad it just hit all of those tropes that I just, meh um no.


Uh, yeah, I'm just not really the target audience, like outwardly be a 16 year old girl but um inwardly I'm like a 85 year old grandma with a brick in her purse mumbling about those darn kids not hydrating.
But also a 13,468 year old Elf who's really done with human's crap and finds amusement in their petty games, mumbling something about how much easier it was to avoid people in the good ol'day's of 1100, laughing at these people freaking out over 2020 looking back at the century long wars riddled with plagues and debt, sipping my tea.


I'll be fine I'm just feeling really over whelmed by everything right now but I can do it
I'll managed
I will get my work done
one assignment at a time
I will be ok.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

I'll be fine I'm just feeling really over whelmed by everything right now but I can do it
I'll managed
I will get my work done
one assignment at a time
I will be ok.

oml this is such a mood. Im going through the exact same thing rn.
I really hope it gets better for you :))


I'm starting to think that taking three AP classes that are actually hard was a bad Idea
Like last year I took three but I already knew the subjects pretty well this year not so much


And I am part time Mom in this house to 4 kids ages 13, 12, 7, and 2.
Also I have no privacy
Like literally um I don't have a room,
or any where I can go and be by myself and not disturbed.
so you know having no privacy and having children and School is a lot
and then there are the not nice comments about how I shouldn't be struggling
or the unkind jokes
or the teasing
or the putting down
or the dismissing of my emotions
Legit said I was going to put my self through a food processor, the only response I got was that it would be gross

But I don't have it all bad, I really don't. I'm fed, I have a roof over my head, I have a device to do my work on, and Wifi. I know my parents love me even if they don't show it and might neglect to pay attention to me, and ask me to do more things when I'm swamped, or don't acknowledge any accomplishment unless it's a letter on a screen. They are my Parents and they care about me.
It's ok
It's ok
It's ok
I'll be ok.