forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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I'm currently watching HGTV while in pain cause my RLS kicked in. ;-; what are yall up to?

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Oof dont we all. Those sudden impulses to just go full Marie Kondo on our entire room

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Wow usually I wake up randomly at either 12:00 at midnight or 4:30ish. This is 3:04.

@GameMaster group

Imagine taking your melatonin and then immediately throwing up because celiacs is a bitch and then tossing and turning, not putting two and two together until it's 1am and you've only just taken melatonin again meaning that you'll probably fall asleep at 3am. Only an idiot would do that.

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Noice! I enjoy organizing and cleaning so I think that'd be fun.
I'm doing good, although my stress level is slowly climbing because my senior year is starting on Monday. :/


We have now reached the point of the night where I don't feel tired and I am debating if I actually go to bed because I'm going to be up in 4 hours anyways

@saor_illust school

im tired
i have not been able to get more than 3 hours of sleep a day, because my body simply r e f u s e s to let me get more than that
so much stuff has happened
so fast
i'm not ready for everything to happen
and whoops, look at that, i already have like five unfinished assignments for school and it's only the second week !

me: i should do the hw
my brain: no, go draw, go on nb, go on discord, anything but that. procrastinate

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Oof, same. My RLS and insomnia have been really bad since quarantine and it's affecting my school life now.


im tired
i have not been able to get more than 3 hours of sleep a day, because my body simply r e f u s e s to let me get more than that
so much stuff has happened
so fast
i'm not ready for everything to happen
and whoops, look at that, i already have like five unfinished assignments for school and it's only the second week !

me: i should do the hw
my brain: no, go draw, go on nb, go on discord, anything but that. procrastinate

There's a word for that
I was talking to my sister yesterday about the same thing and her Physiology major self was like, "There's a word for that it's called Insert word that Rels has now forgotten here Basically it means you're not just lazy, you really do want to get things done but your brain just wont let you so don't blame yourself. It's ok, it's not really your fault."


What is this feeling? I have finished almost all my homework before midnight. And I'm still feeling productive, so I might either work on my jacket or pick up my room a little. I'm not used to feeling this way


….Looks at pile of homework that hasn't even been touched, glances at clock, looks back to homework…
Why am I like this
I mean I know why
But like
Also why.
ughhh it's going to be a long night.