forum Shuri's Fitness Stuff?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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1.Im good at carrying stuff, but im a shitty runner and i cant run for long.

  1. kinda hourglass-y, but m still in my early teens
  2. Nope
  3. I want to be more fit and skinnier, work more on my stomach muscle and legs.

@Moxie group

  1. How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility and speed?
    Strength is not great. I have noodle arms. My stamina is not good either. I've been getting winded really easily lately. My agility is good. I dance so I'm pretty graceful/nimble when I'm trying. And I'm fast when I want to be for short periods of time.
  2. Describe your body-type to me.
    Thin and tall. Not much muscle or fat.
  3. Do you have any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?
    No disabilities
  4. What are your goals?
    Be able to do things and run without getting winded and develop muscle. Mostly in my arms and abs
    Also I already dance and do a workout in dance on Tuesday

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yeah… I get it… I do things like that all the time, such as the time I hurled a couch at someone (twice), I also know people with cattle, and I have to help hold those down. I regularly gotta lift things like couches because I got a lot of out-of-state friends moving in, even though that's the last thing we need in California. And when I help with the cattle I usually end up feeding them, which means hurling huge compact hay-bales into the back of a tow-wagon. Other than that as far as strength is concerned I do things like climb the redwoods here which are increasingly tall, and swim across coves. But yeah, couches are pretty much my thing…

Ugggg Cattle…. They are the bane of my existence… Caribou are better, plus caribou chase you whenever they feel like it… They are crazy things…


I just yell at them… I saw one while I was camping out of state trying to get into my cooler and I yelled at it at the top of my lungs.

I can't say that he was afraid of me… But we had a standoff long enough for one of my mates to grab the gun and scare it off.


My grandfather used to work at the landfill, one time a raccoon invaded the place. And he grabbed it by the tail and put it into this cage that they made after they called him up. I was around, maybe 4 at the time? And I remember that it sounded like a frog, like a deep croaking. Just a throaty growl.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I just yell at them… I saw one while I was camping out of state trying to get into my cooler and I yelled at it at the top of my lungs.

I can't say that he was afraid of me… But we had a standoff long enough for one of my mates to grab the gun and scare it off.

This bear, I got in between her and her cubs while I was taking the trash out, and she charged me, so I had no choice except jump up on the trashcan, and knock it over to get onto the roof… (I was stuck up there for 4 hours in a short sleeve shirt yelling at that stupid bear in Scottish Gaelic…)