forum Shuri's Fitness Stuff?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Hey everyone, are you all unhappy with your abilities and bodies? Are you serious about this? Because it's a grueling process full of hard work, but it's worth it in the end. Well? If you wanna improve… All you gotta do is tell me a bit about yourselves and what you want to become, and I'll help you every second of the way… If you want to become a lean, couch-hurling badass like me… I'll help you…

Just answer these questions…

  1. How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility and speed?
  2. Describe your body-type to me.
  3. Do you hsve any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?
  4. What are your goals?

After this, I can create a program for you…

If my guess is correct, this'll just float down to the bottom of the barrel. But at least I offered…


1: I rock climb, but can't even climb a rope or do a push up so I suck
Almost fainted from doing a 1-mile run, so also sucks. and I"m like an average runner I guess. I think I'm really good at agility, except for throwing like does that count?
2: An hourglass ish shape
3: Nope
4: My goals are classified

Deleted user

1: I'm pretty strong carrying stuff, I have sucky stamina, pretty okay agility and am a pretty slow runner
2: A pear-shaped
3: Not that I know of, But I am getting blood work results back in a few weeks so I dunno
4: To gain a bit of muscle to look more gender neutral also to be able to hike with my summer camp cabin

Deleted user

How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility and speed?
Describe your body-type to me.
Do you hsve any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?
What are your goals?

  1. I’m pretty strong in the back, I can lift like, sixty pounds. I’m a thicc teen girl so I have a lot of trouble running but I have a really good time speedwalking and marching (I’ve marched three miles before, ran like, twenty feet afterwards and was exausted xD). So no agility when it comes to running, though I’m a v fast walker.
  2. I am a thicc teen girl, rather short and bulky.
  3. Yes, my father has diabetes, which might’ve been passed to me. I’m trying to get on a steady diet, but there’s never very healthy stuff to eat. So dieting won’t help much.
  4. I want to loose some weight in my legs, since my thighs are ripping my pants apart. Whenever I sit down in skinny jeans, I strain the material and I kinda hate that.

I’d also like to run this program with my best friend, who needs to loose 20-30 lbs.


(For Duskie)

15 pushups
(If you gotta take a break that's fine just complete15 in one sitting)
15 dips
(Look up how to do sitting dips if you gotta)
20 situps
40 crunches
(If you gotta take a break that's fine. Just complete 40 in one sitting)
15 squats
15 lunges
15 jumping jacks
10 mins walking

15 pushups
15 situps
20 second abdominal plank
20 second pushup plank
(Hold yourself in starting pushup position til' time is up.)
(Like a plank but in starting pushup position.)
15 calf-raises
(Go from flat-footed to tip-toe and hold for 2 seconds while flexing.)
30 mins walking

15 pushups
15 leg lifts
15 knee-ups
15 squats
15 jumping jacks

15 pushups
15 dips
20 second abdominal plank
20 second pushups plank
Intervals 3 mins walking, 2 mins jogging, (Repeat thrice.)
5 sprints

20 seconds shoulder stretch
20 seconds bicep stretch
15 forward arm circles
15 backward arm circles
20 seconds hamstring stretch
15 second toe touch

Rest, and sleep more… Hydrate better, eat healthier…

@HighPockets group

  1. Strength isn't bad, I can lift heavy stuff but it depends on the shape. Stamina is okay, I can bike for a while without losing breath unless it's a steep uphill but I suck at running, running winds me easily. Agility is good, I'm pretty flexible in a way that can scare people. Speed is….not good for running, but I biked all 9.5 miles at Peninsula State Park in Fish Creek, Door County (10/10 would recommend, especially in late summer) in under 2 hours if you take out the tour of a lighthouse.
  2. Not super short, about 5'3". Teen. Fairly heavy, mostly in the stomach, thighs, and such. Stocky build and broad shouldered. I was pretty overweight last year, but I also was out of commission because I had foot warts (like 13 total across both soles) that prevented me from running or even standing for a long time. I've lost a lot of the weight I gained over the summer on the Plant Paradox elimination diet, but I'm still heavier than a majority of my classmates.
  3. Uhhhhh…..not that I can recall?
  4. To be able to run without getting winded (sprinting or endurance, I don't care) and feel confident doing it.


How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility and speed?
Describe your body-type to me.
Do you hsve any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?
What are your goals?

  1. I’m pretty strong in the back, I can lift like, sixty pounds. I’m a thicc teen girl so I have a lot of trouble running but I have a really good time speedwalking and marching (I’ve marched three miles before, ran like, twenty feet afterwards and was exausted xD). So no agility when it comes to running, though I’m a v fast walker.
  2. I am a thicc teen girl, rather short and bulky.
  3. Yes, my father has diabetes, which might’ve been passed to me. I’m trying to get on a steady diet, but there’s never very healthy stuff to eat. So dieting won’t help much.
  4. I want to loose some weight in my legs, since my thighs are ripping my pants apart. Whenever I sit down in skinny jeans, I strain the material and I kinda hate that.

I’d also like to run this program with my best friend, who needs to loose 20-30 lbs.

So you would like to ahred… I'll PM you a hardcore (but not very hard) one after I'm finished with these guys.

Deleted user

How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility and speed?
Describe your body-type to me.
Do you hsve any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?
What are your goals?

  1. I’m pretty strong in the back, I can lift like, sixty pounds. I’m a thicc teen girl so I have a lot of trouble running but I have a really good time speedwalking and marching (I’ve marched three miles before, ran like, twenty feet afterwards and was exausted xD). So no agility when it comes to running, though I’m a v fast walker.
  2. I am a thicc teen girl, rather short and bulky.
  3. Yes, my father has diabetes, which might’ve been passed to me. I’m trying to get on a steady diet, but there’s never very healthy stuff to eat. So dieting won’t help much.
  4. I want to loose some weight in my legs, since my thighs are ripping my pants apart. Whenever I sit down in skinny jeans, I strain the material and I kinda hate that.

I’d also like to run this program with my best friend, who needs to loose 20-30 lbs.

So you would like to ahred… I'll PM you a hardcore (but not very hard) one after I'm finished with these guys.



(For @I'm-A-Witch, -Deal-With-It)

5 pushups
30 situps
15 squats
15 lunges
15 jumping jacks
15 knee-ups

5 pushups
30 crunches
30 situps
20 leg-lifts
15 squats
15 second abdominal plank

5 pushups
5 dips
15 pushups plank
15 seconds abdominal plank
15 squats
15 knee-ups
15 calf-raises
15 lunges

5 dips
15 situps
15 crunches
15 leg-lifts
15 mountain-climbers
15 jumping jacks

10 pushups
30 crunches
20 situps
15 leg-lifts
15 squats

Your metabolism is probably good given your age, so eat more, especially lots of animal protien, which is very good for you at your age…


  1. Strength isn't bad, I can lift heavy stuff but it depends on the shape. Stamina is okay, I can bike for a while without losing breath unless it's a steep uphill but I suck at running, running winds me easily. Agility is good, I'm pretty flexible in a way that can scare people. Speed is….not good for running, but I biked all 9.5 miles at Peninsula State Park in Fish Creek, Door County (10/10 would recommend, especially in late summer) in under 2 hours if you take out the tour of a lighthouse.
  2. Not super short, about 5'3". Teen. Fairly heavy, mostly in the stomach, thighs, and such. Stocky build and broad shouldered. I was pretty overweight last year, but I also was out of commission because I had foot warts (like 13 total across both soles) that prevented me from running or even standing for a long time. I've lost a lot of the weight I gained over the summer on the Plant Paradox elimination diet, but I'm still heavier than a majority of my classmates.
  3. Uhhhhh…..not that I can recall?
  4. To be able to run without getting winded (sprinting or endurance, I don't care) and feel confident doing it.

You're after Emi…

@Becfromthedead group

Age: 19 Gender: Female
Strength: virtually no arm strength, but considerably strong legs for being out of shape; Stamina: Depends. I can swim laps forever, but running is a no. I can walk long distances and not get tired, though; Agility: I move pretty easily, and I'd say I'm decently agile for someone out of shape; Speed: oof… 11-12 minute miles, but I can't sprint or I'll hurt myself. I've pulled muscles playing something as low-pressure as capture the flag.
Body type: 5'4, 140 lbs big legs and hips, small upper body, short legs,
Disabilities: No disabilities, but as far as things that might hinder me, I've had recurring problems with some muscles/nerves in my back that occasionally flare up, and no one can tell me what's wrong so I gave up. I think it's starting to get better, but who knows?
Goals: So I keep putting on weight for no reason. During senior year of high school, I started exercising a little more, and ended up putting on MORE weight- and none of it was muscle. I've gained ~10 lbs in the past year, and I can tell a physical difference in my body. I've also been eating a lot healthier, and it may have stabilized, but I'm towards the top end of what's considered healthy for my height. So I want to put off a few pounds, or at least get rid of the fat I've put on (mostly in the hips/belly). Even more importantly, I want to improve my cardiovascular health and be able to run a decent amount without dying.
Other: I'm constantly busy, so I can't usually work out every day, but there is a gym on the campus with equipment, a track, and a lap pool, so I'm free to use those


(For Jynnie)
15 pushups
15 dips
20 situps
30 crunches
15 squats
15 jumping jacks
8 minute jog
20 mins walking

15 pushups
15 dips
20 situps
30 crunches
15 squats
15 jumping jacks
15 calf-raises
15 mountain-climbers
15 leg-lifts

30 second abdominal plank
20 second pushups plank
8 sprints to moderate fatigue
30 mins walking
15 situps

15 pushups
15 dips
20 situps
30 crunches
15 squats
15 jumping jacks
10 minute jog
10 vertical jumps.

15 pushups
20 dips
Situps til' failure
20 crunches
15 squats
15 lunges
15 high-knees

If you gotta get somewhere in a moderate hurry, jog there… Eat healthier, hydrate well.

Deleted user

Shuri, you need to change your name to "ShuriTheHealthCoach"


(For Bec)

5 pushups
10 dips
15 situps
15 crunches
15 leg-lifts
15 squats
15 jumping jacks

20 second shoulder stretch
20 secomd bicep stretch
15 forward arm circles
15 backward arm circles
20 second hamstring stretch
10 second toe touch
30 mins speedwalking

20 second abdominal plank
20 second pushup plank
15 second hamstring stretch
15 second toe touch
15 dips
15 jumping jacks
10 mins speedwalking
1 min light jog

10 pushups
10 dips
15 sit ups
15 crunches
15 second hamstring stretch
15 second toe touch
15 knee-ups
15 mins walking

5 pushups
10 dips
15 situps
15 crunches
15 leg-lifts
15 squats
15 jumping jacks

Eat lots of potassium and do lots of leg stretches to minimize pulling a muscle. If you can… swim.