forum Shuri's Fitness Stuff?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Exercise is hard
Also, should I so the sets in the mornin or the evenen


Exercise is hard
Also, should I so the sets in the mornin or the evenen

Morning… Right after your brain has pumped you full of human growth hormone… It'll help you build muscle and lose fat.


Here's MY workout to make you all feel better on how easy I made yours… (They'll get harder after this month of building yourselves up…)

2x15 push-ups
2x15 dips
2x100 flex-curls
2x30 sit-ups
2x30 crunches
2x15 squats
2x15 jumping jacks
30 second push-up plank
20 second abdominal plank

2x20 bench press
2x20 incline bench press
2x15 max-incline bench press
2x20 squat press
2x10 barbell arm curls
2x10 layback leg curls
2x40 forearm curls
2x30 forearm shrugs
2x20 shoulder shrugs

5 mins shadowboxing
2.5 mins jogging
Wear weights for 2 hours

20 seconds shoulder stretch
20 seconds bicep stretch
20 seconds hamstring stretch
20 forward arm circles
20 backward arm circles
10 seconds forward stretch
15 secondS cobra stretch

Basic stretches
2x10 arm curls
2x10 leg curls
2x30 sit-ups
2x40 crunches
5 mins shadowboxing
2.5 mins jogging
2x15 pushups
2x15 Tai Bo

Rest more
Eat healthy
Hydrate more
Use the bathroom more
Sleep more

Wear weights
Basic stretches
Sleep more
Rest more

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility and speed?
Ok, I know I'm stronger than most females. I can bench around 160 pounds, I can push through a lot of things, so stamina is pretty good, agility, I do fencing, so that's in tip top shape, speed, In a sprint, I've been clocked pushing 25 miles an hour so speed is great.
Describe your body-type to me.
Somewhere between hourglass and pear… I'm extremely short, 5 foot 1 inch, I'm compact and stocky, (Built like a tank…) I gain muscle faster than I lose weight…
Do you have any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?
No, not any that I remember…..
What are your goals?
To be in great shape. And to make sure I tire myself out so I can sleep really well, because I don't need to pull any streaks of no sleep for a while….


(For Winter)

2x15 pushups
2x15 dips
2x20 situps
x40 crunches
2x15 squats
2x15 jumping jacks

3 minutes jogging
3 minutes shadowboxing
2x15 pushups
2x15 squats
2x15 situps

2x20 bench press
2x20 squat press
2x10 arm curls
2x10 leg curls
3 rep max deadlift
2x10 pushpress
(Also known as military press.)

2x20 situps
2x40 crunches
2x20 bench press
2x20 squat press
2 minutes shadowboxing
2 minutes jogging

20 second bicep stretch
20 second shoulder stretch
20 second hamstring stretch
15 second toe-touch
2x15 dips
2x15 jumping jacks

Rest and sleep are good for improving and maintaining strength, so do that.


Are you female/male, or do you choose not to specify? If you are female and you can bench 160, literally you can do anything.

I'm a dude, but my weight-training ststs are lousy since I mostly do functional strength training. Stuff like having a 150 lbs person sit on an ATV and push the mounted vehicle up a hill, and then haul it down. Most of my friends can actually bench more than I can, but I can physically lift and overpower most of them. I once had a friend who was 6'5", 160'ish pounds who I could both curl, and overpower, although he moved, so I dunno if that feat still stands. He could've gotten stronger or weaker by now.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Are you female/male, or do you choose not to specify? If you are female and you can bench 160, literally you can do anything.

I'm a dude, but my weight-training ststs are lousy since I mostly do functional strength training. Stuff like having a 150 lbs person sit on an ATV and push the mounted vehicle up a hill, and then haul it down. Most of my friends can actually bench more than I can, but I can physically lift and overpower most of them. I once had a friend who was 6'5", 160'ish pounds who I could both curl, and overpower, although he moved, so I dunno if that feat still stands. He could've gotten stronger or weaker by now.

For me, I'm female. Most of my strength training is geared toward what my parents do, and what my bf's parents/uncle do. (Blacksmithing/vet/children… XD) I have to be really strong to help hold down a horse, or a reindeer… (I can throw a nice solid oak table at someone who stabbed me though… XD that was wonderful…) Me being 5' 1'', throwing anything over 120 is great because I weigh around 150. (15% of me is body fat… so the rest of me is nothing but compact mangry teenage girl…) I can carry my 200 pound bf, (he's nothing but muscle… blacksmithing is his trade…) like a baby. It's not bad at all to be female and strong…


Yeah… I get it… I do things like that all the time, such as the time I hurled a couch at someone (twice), I also know people with cattle, and I have to help hold those down. I regularly gotta lift things like couches because I got a lot of out-of-state friends moving in, even though that's the last thing we need in California. And when I help with the cattle I usually end up feeding them, which means hurling huge compact hay-bales into the back of a tow-wagon. Other than that as far as strength is concerned I do things like climb the redwoods here which are increasingly tall, and swim across coves. But yeah, couches are pretty much my thing…


Not great strength, kinda agile, I’m in between sprinters and long distance so idk about stamina, and I’m pretty fast
I guess small hourglass
No disabilities but I limp all the time for some reason?
To not be lazy



1.How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility, and speed?

  • Strength: Most of my strength resides in my legs and my core. My arms aren't very strong (I barely have any muscle in them). I'm not in very good shape because soccer season is over now, but when I was in tip-top shape I would be able to send a ball all the way to the other side of the field rather accurately.
  • Stamina: My willpower mostly ties to my stamina and endurance. I used to be a long-distance runner of 1600 m and 3200 m when I was in track and cross country. I usually push my body to give out on me before I call it quits, especially when in a competition.
  • Agility: I am extremely flexible and agile from my years in Dance and I have the agility and balance of a ballet dancer, when I'm not tired that is.
  • Speed: I… have absolutely no speed. I can't sprint worth shit. My legs are too short and big for speed. My top speed is about 15 mph, but that's pushing it.

2.Describe your body-type to me.

  • Body Type: Boy oh boi do I have a weird-ass body type. I'm 5'2" and I won't be growing ever again (Doctors said so) and I maintain a weight around 125-130 lbs, either in or out of season. I grow heavier when I'm in shape but my body definitely looks better than when I'm not in shape and on the lighter side. I have thunder-thighs and an hour-glass shape along with broad shoulders. I barely manage to get abs when in shape but I do get a flatter and tougher abdomen and core.

3.Do you have any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?

  • Disabilities: I have chronic pain in my left knee, which I also have bursitis in and have fractured my femur right above the kneecap. I have worsening asthma but I don't have an inhaler yet because I haven't had a full-on attack.

4.What are your goals?

  • Goals: To be healthy, fit, and happy with my body. I used to be able to lift my dad (he weighs around 210 lbs) and carry him around and I would like to be able to do that again. I want to get more muscle in my arms if that's at all possible and I want to work on exercising my lungs, core, and legs. It gets really cold up here in the winter too so I'm running out of my usual options.


1.How would you rate your strength, stamina, agility, and speed?

  • Strength: Most of my strength resides in my legs and my core. My arms aren't very strong (I barely have any muscle in them). I'm not in very good shape because soccer season is over now, but when I was in tip-top shape I would be able to send a ball all the way to the other side of the field rather accurately.
  • Stamina: My willpower mostly ties to my stamina and endurance. I used to be a long-distance runner of 1600 m and 3200 m when I was in track and cross country. I usually push my body to give out on me before I call it quits, especially when in a competition.
  • Agility: I am extremely flexible and agile from my years in Dance and I have the agility and balance of a ballet dancer, when I'm not tired that is.
  • Speed: I… have absolutely no speed. I can't sprint worth shit. My legs are too short and big for speed. My top speed is about 15 mph, but that's pushing it.

2.Describe your body-type to me.

  • Body Type: Boy oh boi do I have a weird-ass body type. I'm 5'2" and I won't be growing ever again (Doctors said so) and I maintain a weight around 125-130 lbs, either in or out of season. I grow heavier when I'm in shape but my body definitely looks better than when I'm not in shape and on the lighter side. I have thunder-thighs and an hour-glass shape along with broad shoulders. I barely manage to get abs when in shape but I do get a flatter and tougher abdomen and core.

3.Do you have any disabilities that may prevent you from doing anything?

  • Disabilities: I have chronic pain in my left knee, which I also have bursitis in and have fractured my femur right above the kneecap. I have worsening asthma but I don't have an inhaler yet because I haven't had a full-on attack.

4.What are your goals?

  • Goals: To be healthy, fit, and happy with my body. I used to be able to lift my dad (he weighs around 210 lbs) and carry him around and I would like to be able to do that again. I want to get more muscle in my arms if that's at all possible and I want to work on exercising my lungs, core, and legs. It gets really cold up here in the winter too so I'm running out of my usual options.

For you… Since you and Bec have similar body-types and abilities, you can actually use hers TBH…