forum Shower thoughts
Started by @Mojack group

people_alt 73 followers


You've never seen yourself/your face/your body language as others see you, and you likely never will.


On the flip side, what if my voice is actually really great but I find it to be super annoying because of how much I've had to listen to it.

Deleted user

I've recorded myself talking before, and I sound to myself like a five year old with a bad lisp.



I went years without letting anyone record anything I said, and I still don't like it. Our answering machine used to be saying hello and telling them to leave a message, and it was awful




Holds up a mirror


totally not hilarious at all
I applaud your humor and award you the medal that discerns your winning of this argument.


ya ever think of the effects of gravity but backwards? Like something is constantly pulling you upwards and you have to wear magnets on your shoes and you can wear these things that help you manipulate the effects of gravity so you can fly?


Well If our eye sight is actually upside down and corrects itself to be correct maybe we are upside down

that's actually what made me think of that. Our eyes are weird in general tho. Things aren't actually full of color, it's just that that's the way our eyes perceive them. So it's almost like color is a figment of our imaginations.

@Knight-Shives group

Well If our eye sight is actually upside down and corrects itself to be correct maybe we are upside down

that's actually what made me think of that. Our eyes are weird in general tho. Things aren't actually full of color, it's just that that's the way our eyes perceive them. So it's almost like color is a figment of our imaginations.

There are cones in our eyes that make it so we can see the colors of the world. Color blind people just don't have those cones or they could be damaged/


yeah, that's true. I'm just saying that since color is simply the way light reflects/refracts off of objects, then there isn't really color "within" the object. Or what about when it's completely dark? There's no color there because there's no light there.