forum Short Story Writing Competition #2
Started by @LittleBear group

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Just so you know, I didn't forget about this. I just got unexpectedly yesterday. However I'm about halfway done with it now, so it should be up within the next two hours at the very least.

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My alarm clock blared next to my ears, yanking me from a restless sleep and shoving me into conscious reality. I groaned in annoyance, rolling over and slamming my hand down on the top of my Darth Vader alarm clock. The sound came to an abrupt stop as the clock tumbled to the ground, landing with a soft thunk on the carpet.

I stared at my ceiling, not wanting to move. My body felt so heavy, and the bed was warm. So, so warm. My hazel eyes began to drift shut.

Just then, my phone chimed loudly from my nightstand. I sighed, sitting up and reaching over to grab it. The screen was lit up. It read: 12 new Snapchats from Brady. I made a face of disgust, closing my phone and throwing my blanket off. I would get to the messages later.

I yawned, making my way to the living room. The air was cold around me. The low hum of the heater was the only sound in the room, along with my dog’s quiet breathing. I gave her a soft pat on the head as I walked by. My hand sunk into soft fur. He looked up at me, mouth open and seeming like she was smiling. I smiled back.

“You’re such a good girl, Yuki,” I cooed as I walked off to the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes, stumbling a bit as I walked, and smacking right into the dining room table. I yelped, then covered my mouth, not wanting to wake my sister up.

“Careful there,” an unfamiliar voice said from behind the kitchen counter. I whirled around, eyes widening. There stood a short woman who looked to be about in her twenties, dressed in a hoodie and ripped jeans, with a large pair of sunglasses concealing her eyes. There was the edge of a scar poking out from beneath the glasses. There was a half-smoked joint pressed between her full lips, but it wasn’t lit. She ran a hand through her hair and stepped toward me.

“Stop!” I said loudly, putting a hand up, arm stretched out as far as it would go in front of me. The woman froze, looking me up and down.

“What’s your name?” She asked suddenly, placing a hand on her hip.

“I-what? Sh-shouldn’t I be asking you that? What the hell are you doing in my house?” My hand flew to the pocket of my sweats, where I kept my black pocket knife. The metal was cold in my hands. Quietly, I slipped it out and flipped it open.

“You’re not the one who brought me here?” She asked, scrunching her brow and crossing her arms. I glared, opening my mouth to speak before I noticed something.

Those gray-green eyes, the long strawberry blonde hair, the style, her demeanor, her scar… this woman was exactly like my character, Amber Lumic.

I shook my head, blinking. That can’t be it. Characters don’t just come to life like that, it isn’t possible. That woman was not Amber. She was just a crazy person that broke into my home and happened to look like Amber.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, taking another step forward. I brought my knife into sight, holding it in front of me, pointing it at her. Instead of trembling in fear, she smiled and reached into her pocket, pulling out a dagger of her own.

“I have a blade too, it’s pretty cool,” she said. Her hand wrapped around the handle of the dagger, and it burst into peridot-green flames. I jumped back, surprised and scared. I designed that. It’s exactly how I imagined it, down to the swirled carvings in the metal and worn down leather of the handle. My mouth fell open as I stared at it.

“How did you get here?” I asked, folding my knife and putting it away. Amber looked up from her dagger.

“I honestly have no idea. I’m thinking that I might’ve put LSD in my drink and forgot about it, and I’m just tripping right now because that seems like the only reasonable explanation.”

“That does sound like you,” I responded, laughing. “I know who you are, and I know how to get you back home.”

“Sweet. Where am I?”

“You’re in the parallel dimension of Earth. If you have your dimensional mirror, you can just… bounce your soul back home.” I laughed again. Never in my life did I think I would actually say that out loud. It made me realize how stupid it sounded.

“Oh,” she said, slowly realizing what had happened. “Okay. My mirror is in my pocket, so this should be easy.” She brought the mirror out of her pocket and flipped it open, giving me a small wave. “See ya.”

“Wait!” I shouted, surging forward. Before I could do anything, Amber was gone. She had vanished, and now she was back in her own dimension.

I sighed, disappointed. I wanted to tell her who I was. That I had created her, Milo, Asura, Cade, and every other person that she met. I could’ve changed anything about her life that she wanted to be changed, but I didn’t get the chance. I should’ve said something sooner.

I sunk to the floor, frowning, still processing the information and wishing that Amber hadn’t left so soon. Then, I had a thought.

What if I was the one that had LSD in their drink?

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( Ok then I'll do my best, this might take awhile.)


I just sent out a group chat thingy for all the judges! Sorry I'm late, life has been crazy for the last week or so.



First place: @AmmyPajammy
Second place: @Jensen-rs
Third place: @LittleBear

Congratulations to the winners, and also great job to everyone who submitted an entry! I really enjoyed reading all of these. Let's do this again soon.

@LittleBear group

Congratulations everyone! And thank you so much for participating in this little competition. I am going to be extremely busy in the coming weeks, but I will try to have another one very soon! Cheers Y'all!


Yay I won! As you can see I'm all healed up from getting sat on by my OC, and it's nice to come here and find out that I won this competition for my troubles lol. Congrats to everyone else.