forum Share Things Nobody Asked You To Share: Is Sharing Really Caring?

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Deleted user

Why was it necessary to bring up the holocaust???

definitely wasn't…….

Deleted user

maglo, i would just like to point out that you stole my username

I basically just realized that I could change my actual user name, and was messing around and couldn't think of anything better. Plus, there was the off chance I would be confronted and force conversation!

Deleted user

maglo, i would just like to point out that you stole my username

I basically just realized that I could change my actual user name, and was messing around and couldn't think of anything better. Plus, there was the off chance I would be confronted and force conversation!

well you changed it now so its fine.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

AHHHHHH I have to ride in the rodeo tonight!!! and tomorrow night!!! ay ya yiy… my horse is gonna be bad and mess me and my teammates up…

Oooo whatcha riding in? Me and my aunt do barrel racing.

that really cool! me and four other girls are riding in the opening act. we are going to perform our five-man drill, with patriotic music and costumes. its gonna be pretty cool, I hope– my first time risding in a rodeo. we are two-time national champions Lady Cadence drill team! we've come a long way, two years ago we were just trotting our drills, now we lope and carry flags!

Dope! I’ll check it out!

@spacebluelily language

decided to watch the doctor who movie

How was it?

I have not yet finished but so far ? it's ok
i might have went in shock when I found out the movie takes place in the us

It what

yeah apparently it takes place in SAN FRANCISCO

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

decided to watch the doctor who movie

How was it?

I have not yet finished but so far ? it's ok
i might have went in shock when I found out the movie takes place in the us

It what

yeah apparently it takes place in SAN FRANCISCO

It happened because they were in America obviously. That would never happen in Europe /j

@spacebluelily language

decided to watch the doctor who movie

How was it?

I have not yet finished but so far ? it's ok
i might have went in shock when I found out the movie takes place in the us

It what

yeah apparently it takes place in SAN FRANCISCO

It happened because they were in America obviously. That would never happen in Europe /j

no because i was live commenting as i was watching the movie on discord and i said "most American thing to happen ever" when that scene happened 😭

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

decided to watch the doctor who movie

How was it?

I have not yet finished but so far ? it's ok
i might have went in shock when I found out the movie takes place in the us

It what

yeah apparently it takes place in SAN FRANCISCO

It happened because they were in America obviously. That would never happen in Europe /j

no because i was live commenting as i was watching the movie on discord and i said "most American thing to happen ever" when that scene happened 😭


Deleted user

Ayo another deleted user. This time it was the Gemma character.

Who’s Gemma, and did you like her?

ya she was nice. techinically you were her great uncle


Ayo another deleted user. This time it was the Gemma character.

Did you see the discord explanation of the whole ordeal that happened earlier? screenshots and everything. I think you'd be proud of me XP

Can you show me? I have zero context on this but I kinda wanna know now.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Short version: Several accounts were being played by one person. Wouldn't have been an issue except they all stirred up drama with each other for clout and sympathy in the community.
I called them out on it earlier tonight, and now two accounts have been deleted. There is suspicion this person was involved in more, but we'll see about that bit.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Short version: Several accounts were being played by one person. Wouldn't have been an issue except they all stirred up drama with each other for clout and sympathy in the community.
I called them out on it earlier tonight, and now two accounts have been deleted. There is suspicion this person was involved in more, but we'll see about that bit.
