forum RANTING!!!!
Started by @channel_emzie

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deep breath
I live with a close minded family who will never except me for who I am, I have to keep everything hidden from my mom, who is the tyrant of the house. I am having writer's burn out, my anxiety has been acting up lately, but my parents will never understand so i hide myself in music which I have to keep secret. I have to live with crappy remarks everyday, my parents don't think I'm trying, I keep thinking I'm annoying my friends. I'm usually tired and feel like I'm wasting my time, i'm so done with life, I can't begin to tell my mom because she'll make it seem like it's my fault and my dad will say I'm a wuss. My sister is the only one who remotely understands me. Overall, I'm just so drained by faking my life…
Sorry that sounded whiny and bratty and stupid…

I Know what it feels like don't worry I'm having the same problem however it's both my parents.

@HighPockets group

Oof. I’m graduating into high school year, and a part of me thinks things will get better, even though I’m sure they’ll just get worse.

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I feel left out because I feel like i am the only kid on this site below the age of 13 …..11. BUT EVEN THOUGH I AM YOUNG DOESN TMEAN YOU HAVE TO TREAT ME DIFFERENTLY THEN YOU NORMALLY DO AND DONT USE IT AS AN AVANTAGE FOR YOURSELF. LIKE CMON PEOPLE I ALREADY KNOW MY SWEARS. Just dont be like "youre too young for that " geez I just wanted you too treat me normally. Also Im sorry if my writing is CRAP!

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Can we also talking about our mutual dislike for horrible roleplayers COUGH COUGH You know who COUGH

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she just joined another rp i am in…. see how this goes..

@Bianca di Angelo

This is gonna seem all superficial and lame so sorry about that
I literally cannot take school anymore some of my teachers are so incompetent and I have 4 tests this week and literally no one in my school gives a shoot about anything and its hell
And the new girl is really nice but shes so cliche teenagey its kind of terrifying
And my crush is a girl and I dont want to tell anyone and my spanish teacher put me next to her and its hell because shes just sitting right there like gaaah
And I have so much to do between the play and my homework and soccer and singing I cant take it and my insomnia and anxiety is kicking in again and its horrible and my friends are all being super biatchy to me so I listen to music then when I start humming they snap at me then I read and they say im antisocial and its just like make up your fudging mind
And there's so much pressure from my french teacher because she keeps saying YOU CAN DO BETTER and she gives me these long disappointef looks when I get a decent grade and its so infuriating and all my friends are sick of me fangirling so I cant fangirl with anyone and so I end up ranting on about all my superficial problems
So anyway. PLease ignore this

apart from the crush bit

@Bianca di Angelo

I feel left out because I feel like i am the only kid on this site below the age of 13 …..11. BUT EVEN THOUGH I AM YOUNG DOESN TMEAN YOU HAVE TO TREAT ME DIFFERENTLY THEN YOU NORMALLY DO AND DONT USE IT AS AN AVANTAGE FOR YOURSELF. LIKE CMON PEOPLE I ALREADY KNOW MY SWEARS. Just dont be like "youre too young for that " geez I just wanted you too treat me normally. Also Im sorry if my writing is CRAP!

im also 11
and i can relate to this soooo much

@Bianca di Angelo

one of the main things i want for my 12th bday is for my satyr to come, though both my parents are amazing. sorry, im really not following the point of this chat


I can kinda relate @Bianca di Angelo and @Nerd_Girl2.0, even though I'm 15. I ended up skipping first grade, so I'm a year younger than everyone else, and you wouldn't believe the weird looks it got me from everyone when they found out. They just treat me like I'm less than them just because I'm a little younger. But I'm not, and it's annoying, so I just write and doodle so I don't have to deal with them treating me like that. But yeah, I get you

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Update: Said best friend that I'm in love with is now my boyfriend

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