forum RANTING!!!!
Started by @channel_emzie

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I absolutely hate it when i see slandering posts on Tumblr from Pinterest. They're constantly calling Christians homophobes, misogynists, and other crap. Yeah, we can be insensitive but we're all human here. We're all flesh and bones.
I try to have an open mind to their opinions but it's so hard when they're being so ugly about it! I hate it. No one's better or worst than anyone else here, my gosh.
I hate it when they throw opinions out the window and only value their own. Like theirs are the only right ones. I saw a conversation on Pinterest where a person said they don't support the lifestyle and they got slammed by people saying things like. "It's 2018 grow up." "Lifestyles are not a choice!" and stuff.
Poor person got so slammed i can't remember all that happened but it was bad. I replied and said. "So are opinions being thrown out the window now? Who are you to judge, who am I to judge? Leave he/she alone!"


This is gonna seem all superficial and lame so sorry about that
I literally cannot take school anymore some of my teachers are so incompetent and I have 4 tests this week and literally no one in my school gives a shoot about anything and its hell
And the new girl is really nice but shes so cliche teenagey its kind of terrifying
And my crush is a girl and I dont want to tell anyone and my spanish teacher put me next to her and its hell because shes just sitting right there like gaaah
And I have so much to do between the play and my homework and soccer and singing I cant take it and my insomnia and anxiety is kicking in again and its horrible and my friends are all being super biatchy to me so I listen to music then when I start humming they snap at me then I read and they say im antisocial and its just like make up your fudging mind
And there's so much pressure from my french teacher because she keeps saying YOU CAN DO BETTER and she gives me these long disappointef looks when I get a decent grade and its so infuriating and all my friends are sick of me fangirling so I cant fangirl with anyone and so I end up ranting on about all my superficial problems
So anyway. PLease ignore this

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I wish I can relate and synthesize with you, but I'm homeschooled.
I'm sorry.

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Sometimes I wish I wasn't lucky because I want to be with you and help you and I feel so useless and sheltered when i'm not it's horrible.

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Thank you! I feel so bad for these people when I see it. I hate it when my fellow Christians are being homophobic. I just want to curl up and cry. We need to fix this, I want to fix this but I can't! I want to cry. I was once one of these people. I don't support the lifestyle but I don't hate them.
I hate it when they're so hateful to the innocent, and when we're so blind. We're not meant to judge! I want to know these people's point of view, how they see us. Why they hate us when we aren't all like this.
I feel so angry at them, but then I remember that I have to forgive them. And I have. I just want to vent. Cry, scream, something!
It's so horrible how I've been oppressed! Stereotyped, and persecuted. It's so overwhelming!

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And @MiBoiSycore you're not useless in the least just to see you say that helps

Thank you. TuT

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Thank you for your concern. I'm going to legit cry with how caring you all are!

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah… I don't usually talk religion, because you know, it's not really people's business, but I definitely think it's unfair to automatically say, "all Christians are hateful" (coming from me, an agnostic). I don't get it. It's just a bunch of hypocrisy on both sides, if I'm being honest, and the bad apples in there ruin things for everyone. It's kind of strange though. I live in the South, where Christianity is commonplace, and back when I practiced the religion myself, I never experienced the stereotyping- or perhaps I was to young to fully get it.

@HighPockets group

I know!! I go to a Catholic school and a majority of the kids there don’t give a crap if a girl likes girls or a boy likes boys. Heck, there aren’t any relationships, straight or otherwise, at my school in general!!! This is coming from an ace, too.

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Times have changed sadly. Sometimes I wish I never grew up and my relationship with God was black and white, but I would be so blind to this broken world.
It is hypocrisy on both, but yet there are also innocent caught in the fire on both sides. I wish we could settle this peacefully, without anyone getting hurt (Now I see why Infp's are called Mediators.) and this is coming from a thirteen-year-old teenager who kills characters off for fun and is currently wearing a "Liberalism: find a cure" T-shirt.
I want to spread the truth to both ends but yet I can't. I'm no one.

Deleted user

I know!! I go to a Catholic school and a majority of the kids there don’t give a crap if a girl likes girls or a boy likes boys. Heck, there aren’t any relationships, straight or otherwise, at my school in general!!! This is coming from an ace, too.

It would slightly disgust me, to be honest. But I remember that God loves them all and my opinion doesn't matter. I'm trying to be as open as I can here, even though I'm trying to open about the subject I'm not going to run off and read a Bl comic.
Am I being homophobic? I'm sorry! I just….

@Becfromthedead group

Most of us are. And it's just kind of a fact that the loudest, most controversial voice is perceived as being a "majority." It's not great, but oh well. I have a hope that times might change though. I think the younger generation is a lot more accepting because they've grown up in a time where there are so many lifestyles and cultures and whatnot out there, and naturally through exposure and knowledge of people from many backgrounds, familiarity grows, as does acceptance, most likely. Of course, there will always be those terrible few in every group, and people just need to ignore them and stop feeding them.

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Is it homophobic to not add an LGBT character? I want to be open here but be honest. This is hard. T-T.
(I'm really crying irl.)

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Don't cry! People who make an effort to see past their beliefs are needed more widely. So many people don't bother and just stick to the easy hate

Thank you.


Is it homophobic to not add an LGBT character? I want to be open here but be honest. This is hard. T-T.
(I'm really crying irl.)

Not homophobic. Some of my stories don't have an LGBT character

Deleted user

Is it homophobic to not add an LGBT character? I want to be open here but be honest. This is hard. T-T.
(I'm really crying irl.)

Not homophobic. Some of my stories don't have an LGBT character

Thank you again! TuT


You are a great person I have to say. I mean you're trying which is more than I can say for some people. And the fact you're actually crying is just amazing because it goes to show how much you don't want to be closed-minded and homophobic and it's great.
Sorry for the cheesiness


Speaking as an older person, I think I ought to let you all know, that you really truly don't owe anyone anything, especially not on the Internet. There's no use in getting so riled up by what people say on here that it brings you to literal tears. And please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to imply that any of you are being overly sensitive or crybabies or anything of the sort. All I'm trying to say is that if you find yourself getting to the breaking point just because of what people say on here, it might be best to log off and take a break. The Internet can be a very toxic place, especially for people who are very young. I was exposed to some very scary, definitely not kid-friendly things when I was too young, and it can mess you up. So please, take care, and be very cautious about the things and people that you expose yourself to. Maybe things like inter-religious and sexuality politics is just not something that you're ready to confront at this time, and that's ok. You should really spend more of your time talking to real people than strangers on an anonymous forum who have a license to say literally anything, anyway. So take a deep breath and cheer up, because at the end of the day, nothing on here is truly relevant to your everyday life unless you make it so.

@HighPockets group

I have some rants as well.

  1. I am so mad at my fellow Star Wars fans. I mean, it’s okay to not like the movie, but to tear people who liked it down and say they aren’t real fans because they like TLJ is ridiculous. I loved it, it’s my second favorite in the series, and I’ve seen every movie, both TV shows, read most of the Canon novels, have over 300 action figures, 8 tee shirts, three lightsabers, etc. and people are telling me I’m not a ‘real fan’ because I liked a movie? It’s especially hurtful when someone says ‘Star Wars isn’t a girls franchise, why are all the new movies girl-centric!!!” So it’s bad, apparently, for a series loved by many girls to have what, three movies centered around a female? Or people of color? Geez. I don’t care if it’s ‘not (your) Star Wars!” If you’re going to be a jerk to people in your own fandom, you don’t deserve to call yourself a fan. The only fake fans are people who bully other fans for what they like. I was on to look at action figures, and I stumbled upon the Crait 4-pack, which includes Rose Tico, and one person kept spamming by saying “Oh, you like Rose? Do you like clawing your eyes out too?” And stupid things like that. It’s a fictional character. Get over it already. Same with the “Not my Luke” people. Luke’s character in TLJ wasn’t inaccurate, but I won’t get into that here.

  2. Headcanons and ships are great, as long as you don’t act like a jerk because people dislike it or ship something else. I ship Finnrose and Redemption Arc Reylo, amd people accuse me, a bi ace, of being homophobic because I don’t ship Stormpilot or because I don’t agree with their headcanon? I headcanon Poe as pan, and I’m fine with Stormpilot, I just prefer Finnrose. And also, it bugs me when LGBT headcanons have been 100% disproved by canon and people still insist it’s true. Like, I’ve seen millions of things with aroace Obi-Wan, but he canonically was romantically involved with Satine.

  3. As a female, bi, ace, and mentally ill (depression and anxiety) I love having diversity in books, but only when it’s well-written. For example, Rick Riordan’s latest books. In my opinion, Alex Fierro has no personality outside of her genderfluidness. Every single trait of hers comes from it. And on every other page there’s a author’s political opinion insert, using a hero in a teen’s book as a mouthpiece to say something clearly written by a 50 year old man and OOC. I used to love Rick’s books so much, but now they’re so grating I can barely read them.