forum Random/Unusual/Obscure Historical Facts?
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Fun fact I learned today: apparently there's a lot of evidence to suggest that Europe in the 17th century went through a climate change crisis. Except in their version, the world cooled down (by about 2 degrees Celsius)

@Mojack group

Something that maybe some people know, but probably a good chunk of people don’t know:

On this day in Canada, February 20th 1959, the Avro Arrow was cancelled. It was going to be a plane of the 1960s, and designed to be a supersonic interceptor plane. For its time, the Avro was very advanced. The plane, after being taken out of commission; all models were taken apart via torch. The only remaining piece of the Arrow (that isn’t a replica) is a nosepiece.
The day (while we do have the other thing here in Canada, I’m mostly talking aerospace and aviation history here) became known as Black Friday.

and it is something I am still upset over as well as a lot of other Canadians.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

There was a war called the Anglo-Zanzibar war. It lasted 38 minutes.

Before alarm clocks, people were hired to wake people up by shooting dried peas from a blowgun at windows.

In 1923, Frank Hayes won a horse race even though he was dead. He had a heart attack during the race, but his body stayed in the saddle long enough for him to win.