forum Quotes From Your Stories!
Started by @PuffPoff

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@Knight-Shives group

"Come on let's get some italian."
"Sure why not, haven't had it in like a century."
"Cool, same."
"If you were wrong about this it is suicide just saying."
"I know, but i would rather love to die by italian food."

@Dragoncita group

The golden dragonelle shifted. Her head lifted, green eyes looking downwards at the body between her paws. The creature leaned downward, nuzzling Damon, body cold to the touch.
Her eyes held little to no light. The spine along her back was flat, wings limp on either side of her.
It wasn't right…this isn't right…
"I…I-I…why…j-just why…"
Once again Farah leaned her head down, nudging at Damon's limp form. She seemingly paused for a moment. Her jaws twitched, the scales shimmering from the wetness of falling tears. The dragonelle thought she heard the sound of a beating heart…but it was impossible…there was no heart there to beat anymore…
It was pointless to keep hoping…to keep praying. Her head finally settled back down, eyes closing. The tears continued to steadily stream down the sides of her muzzle. Farah's horns seemed to emit a soft glow.
"Why did he have to be taken…he died for me…yet I did nothing to help him…I truly am weak…a pitiful coward…I didn't even let him know how I felt…t-that…"
The dragonelle released a rattling sigh, struggling as she choked, "I am wasting my breath…but I-I-I…I love you…I should've let you known before…b-but I was afraid…afraid of how you would respond…and even more so afraid of my father…I-I should have told you…but now it's too late…"

@HighPockets group

"Come on let's get some italian."
"Sure why not, haven't had it in like a century."
"Cool, same."
"If you were wrong about this it is suicide just saying."
"I know, but i would rather love to die by italian food."

Why is this me???

@Knight-Shives group


Well I dislike sunlight and enjoy Italian food…….maybe??

Same though, I walk down the street after i get off my bus with my hood up.

Deleted user

"You're bleeding purple magic."
"Well, yeah."
"wHaT tHE fUCk bASiL??"


“That kid always running either towards danger or his boyfriend but it’s always one of them” He huffs "little shit is probably tripping over his own two fee- shit he only has one" Winter at some point in time

Lutz: "achoo"
James: "why did you sneeze"
Lutz: "I don't know I just started to sneeze"
Santiago: "well maybe is because of THE BAG OF CRACK JUST EXPLODED IN YOUR FACE"
Lutz: "Ya it's either that or that I'm allergic to cats "
Santiago: sigh "WHERE IS THERE A CAT"
Lutz: "don't know maybe their cat hair here"
Santiago: "Why would you know what I'm out"
Lutz: "wait babe don't go"
James uncontrolled laughing on the ground

@HighPockets group

"Unsophisticated?" Meg seethed, almost shaking with anger. How dare Cole, of all people, even suggest that? "I'm sophisticated. I'm sophisticated as hell!"

Deleted user

"Well-" Victoria picked at her fingernails- "I never was good with witty remarks, but I feel a spectacular one coming along right about now."



Griffin burst into snickers, trying not to laugh too loudly. he did not in fact, burst into chocolate bars. don't worry.

“You’ve never had dango before!?!? You poor lost soul!” Jay seemed mortified that she didn’t know what dango was. Clearly the world was ending in his eyes.

But clearly Raven’s world was also ending, because in his panic Jay hugged Raven to him very tightly and pat her head as if to comfort her, which shook Raven tremendously since she wasn’t used to physical contact.

“It’s ok my child, I’m here for you, one day you’ll know the joy of dango.” Jay dramatically sobbed into Raven’s hair while continuing to pat her head. Raven, on the other hand, was frozen. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale, she was sweating a bit in awkwardness too. How does one react to a young man sobbing over food? How does one react to a hug from said young man? How does one do anything really?
She decided to reach her arm up and awkwardly pat his head.

"so, I looked over to the knife okay? and- man it was so sharp, it was calling to me. so I booped myself lightly in the stomach with it. turns out, I didn't boop lightly enough, because then it was in me and there was blood."

"so then my friend Brook called me. and- I don't know why- but I answered. and she was all like 'you did something stupid! I know you did!' and I, like a normal person, lied. I said, 'nope, nothing stupid afoot in my house, no stupid in my lobby, I'm not suspicious at all!' and then I hung up, which I realized was suspicious."

@Starfast group

Here's a few from the first chapter of my NaNoWriMo project:

"When he was younger he used to compare it to getting stabbed from the inside out. Now that he had actually been stabbed, however, he felt like the comparison was a massive exaggeration."

"Crispin didn’t hate his powers quite as much as he hated being as tall as the average thirteen year old."

edit, here's one more:

"Crispin carried six knives with him at all times, but somehow it was his being ability to fly that made him dangerous."


"Gavin thought he had felt true fear when he beat Katie at Mario Kart, but that was nothing compared to what he was feeling now."

@Knight-Shives group

"Good. And Ed I wanted to tell you one thing… No more reading any fanfiction on vampires."
"Why, it is good." I complained.
"Because most of that stuff is not true and also you are a real vampire so why do you need it."
"I don't know… but can I read twilight still."