forum Quotes From Your Stories!
Started by @PuffPoff

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He couldn't handle the stress, so he became a burrito. 🌯


“Don’t you dare.”
“Why not?” I leaned in playfully, touching his nose lightly with mine. His breath hitched, and I could see a faint pink blooming across his cheeks.
“Because… because… your parents wouldn’t want you to.”
I grinned.
“Does that mean you want me to kiss you?” My eyes flickered to his lips. His breathing stalled.


“Don’t you dare.”
“Why not?” I leaned in playfully, touching his nose lightly with mine. His breath hitched, and I could see a faint pink blooming across his cheeks.
“Because… because… your parents wouldn’t want you to.”
I grinned.
“Does that mean you want me to kiss you?” My eyes flickered to his lips. His breathing stalled.

AWW, So cute! ^-^

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Bren looked up sleepily and rubbed his eyes, yawning to show slightly sharp teeth. "Why am I here again?" He asked, his eyes growing into slits as he surveyed the scene around him.
"Why the fuck are my friends stuffed animals?"

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Bren looked up sleepily and rubbed his eyes, yawning to show slightly sharp teeth. "Why am I here again?" He asked, his eyes growing into slits as he surveyed the scene around him.
"Why the fuck are my friends stuffed animals?"



aw thanks! I'm v proud of it lol

You should be. :P I can't write anything this adorable. XD

thanks, and I'm sure you're great!

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Slang walked into the warehouse they all were currently residing in and… Stopped dead in his tracks. "WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?!" He screamed, they had another food fight. It's like these people were four not in their twenties.

@Becfromthedead group

“Hey, do you see those two women?” Niko asked.
Xander scowled. “So now you’re looking for ladies to hit on? How distasteful…”
“No, Xander. Look what she’s got on her belt.”
“Oh. I see. You want to recruit them, if possible.”
Niko nodded.
“Well, just go ask them.”
“Come with me,” Niko said, “Just in case they need extra convincing, or if things get dangerous. They are armed.”
Niko and Xander both slid out of the booth while both Ilya and Elizah still slept in the compartment. Niko walked up some ten rows of seats until he reached the booth where the two women sat across from each other. The smaller of the two was reading a book written in a language he did not recognize and the other doodled in a sketchbook.
“They’re from Vestfero, too,” Xander whispered, “The book she’s reading is a Vestferian classic.”
“Did you mean to speak with us?” The artist asked with her silky accent, fixing her narrow gray eyes upon them.
“Yes, actually. I saw the two of you from back in our spot, and I figured I could ask something of the two of you- well… maybe.”
“Go on,” the woman with the book murmured, peering through her thin wire-framed glasses. She did not seem pleased. “And I swear, if you start trying to court us… well, let’s say I’ll figure it out once I get there.”
“Gods, why does everyone assume that I’m trying to get something like that from you?”
“Because you’re attractive,” Xander offered, “However, if I’m the one to speak, I think it would be far less intimidating. I’m just a sad-looking kid.”
“I like you,” the artist said, seeming amused, “Now what did you come to ask of us?”
(I remember this one made my friend laugh at least.)

@Dragoncita group

Cain raced forward. Both his hands gripped the hilt of his large blade, eyes glowing. They were no longer the dark amber, but instead bright yellow with black, slit pupils. Eyes that were all too familiar with that of the red dragon who sworn its life to his own. Only Jun was nowhere in sight. Where the dragon was, only his rider knew.
The man suddenly leapt upwards, leaving the ground below. Cain then swung downwards, his speed increasing as he fell. The wind whipped his cloak behind him in a wild frenzy.
Dante, or the thing that was once the man, seemingly made a clicking sound. It swung the corrupted weapon it had created, a vicious looking scythe, upwards.
The blades of both males collided with a loud, metallic clang. As they met, the ground cracked beneath their feet, a shockwave emitting from their position. Neither were giving in as the air swirled around them.
Cain's yellow eyes glared at the thing. The male seemingly released an inhuman growl. He shoved forward, forcing Dante to step backwards. Cain knew what the other was, what the corrupted were capable of, hell, he had been there when the first sighting of the corruption appeared. It was a learning curve at the time, for both man and dragon, but they managed to get through, despite the massive losses.
As for the corrupted human, the creature shoved right back. It seemed there were no eyes, but Cain could feel it's hungry gaze, the thousands of whispers hissing in his mind: "Revoke the frailties of flesh and be consumed. Join us brother…put aside your mortal shell…Join us brother…"
Cain rose his mental shield, to keep the whispers from distracting him. That's all he would need. The male's eyes glowed brightly. He released a roar, a fiery ring suddenly exploding around his body.
Almost instantly, as the fire spread, did the corrupted release a screech, quickly retreating away from the flames. The creature was seemingly squirming, the corruption burnt black in several places along the bio-armor.
Not one to waste an opportunity, Cain was once again covering ground towards his enemy. The male released another cry, lunging forward with his blade aimed to impale Dante. Flames danced along Cain's blade, to make sure he would put an end to the corrupted fiend.
Cain hadn't expected Dante's healing factor to be so quick. Just as his blade should've hit it's mark, struck only air. The man had no time to move as several vine-like tendrils suddenly impaled his chest and stomach. He felt himself being lifted off the ground, the pain intensifying.
The corrupted stood behind him, the tendrils attached to its back. A clicking emitted, followed by what sounded like thousands of insects crawling. Looked at closely, there appeared to be movement along the tendrils, seemingly confirming the corrupted creatures moving towards the man.
"Brave, but foolish," Dante's voice sounded, echoed by several other voices, "You fought valiantly human, but in the end, the corruption consumes all."
Cain could hardly do anything. He was suspended in the air, his blade laying on the ground off to the side, out of his reach. The man coughed, blood spattering his front. His once yellow eyes were once again amber. Cain released a shaky sigh, feeling he was done. If the corruption were to spread through his body, Cain knew nothing would be safe from him if he were to become one of the corrupted. He started to slowly close his eyes, hearing the corruption draw closer to his body. The male felt his eyelids grow heavier. Blood continued to flow from his wounds, leaking out of the corners of his mouth.

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Merde, Wanda thought to herself. Why did I ever trust a goose with a squad car?

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Maria kicked up leaves as she walked, her feet skimming against the dirt. She looked up at the dreary sky, the clouds rolling between the scaley branches of the forest. Her foot caught in something and dirt flew up with her shoe. Something plastic hit Nina's back, she turned around with a yelp.
"What-?" The younger sister questioned.
Maria turned to pick the cartridge up. "I… I'm not sure… It looks like some sort of…" She turned it in her hands.
"I think it's like some sort of recorder…" Her younger sister took it from her. She pressed a couple buttons with a click.
Static came to life, it blared into the still forest. Nina scrambled to turn it down, pressing buttons frantically.
The sounds of footsteps and heavy breathing came from the recorder, the deep huffing filled with fear. "It's summer of 2022, two years into the fallout… I don't know what's- what's happening…" His voice stuttered, etched in fear. "There was this.. this girl… and a boy… he stepped in a bear trap… I don't know…" Screaming echoed in the distance, a blood-curdling scream. The man's breathing hitched and he quickened his pace.
Nina's eyes widened and she looked at her sister.
"The boy.. he stepped in a bear trap… His whole leg was being ripped apart and the girl just… stood there… She watched him cry out in pain.. smiling… Oh god, what is happening…." His breathing hitched again. "The boy was her brother… her little brother… He begged her to help, calling her something with a K, I think-" Static blurts him out, the screaming growing distorted. "He said something like "Why aren't you helping me? I'm your brother?" and she muttered something and- and shot the boy in all his limbs…. he's still screaming… she's following me… I'm going to die…." The man whimpered in fear.
"Oh my God…" Maria whispered.
Leaves crinkled near him and his footsteps quickened. His breathing was ragged. The screaming stopped suddenly, and he stopped and gasped for air. "I-"
Screams filled the air around him and a large explosion came from the speakers.
"Did he drop the recorder?" Maria whispered.
Nina stood quiet, trying to hear.
His gasping could be heard further away.. it was faint. Gasping breath… the man cried out, whimpering and howling in pain.
Lithe footsteps neared the recorder. "Heh…" A deep female voice whispered. "Recording me, oi?" The woman snickered. "Well if anyone ever sees this I hope you have fun." You could hear the disturbing grin she held in her voice. "Because most likely, heh…. you're next…." Static filled the air as the recording stopped playing.
Nina's eyes were full of fear, her fingers trembled with the recorder in her palms. "We just… witnessed… a murder…"
Maria snatched the tape from her. "Come on we should keep moving…" She stuffed the recorder in her backpack.

@HighPockets group

"Oliver," Jon said, taking his place beside his friend, "Before you do this, I just wanted to tell you….I love you. A lot. I think I always have." Oliver didn't look surprised, and he only sighed.
"Half the damn country is in love with me, Jon. But I don't- I can't love them. Emily was the only one I could love, and she's gone now. You know as well as I do that she isn't coming back. And neither am I."
"There has to be another way," Jon insisted.
"A prisoner exchange is the only way. Me for them."


"Come on… You have to admit, we've come a long way, darlings, and entities who can save, control, or doom the world, like yours truly… Well, we're kinda a fact of life…"
-Baron, sparring with angels.


“Bitch,” Farron said, running a hand through his hair,
“Language!” Isalda joked and Farron scoffed.
“Don’t ‘language’ me Issy, this is important.”
“No need to swear…”
“Want me to punch your head in instead?” Farron threatened, taking a step towards his friend.
Isalda gasped over dramatically with a glare, “Oh how scared I am of you bas-“
“Enough! Stop acting like your three and fighting over a gods damned lollypop!” Maddie piped up, glaring at both her friends.
“Don’t threaten us with your… Earth items, what the hell is a lollypop?” Farron glared back at her, causing Maddie to rolled her eyes and kick the back if his leg.