forum Quotes From Your Stories!
Started by @PuffPoff

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Just put random quotes from stories, books, poems, ect. here to share with everyone!

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"Can you not take over the world tonight?"
"Sorry babe, taking over the world waits for no one."


"Where's your army?"
"Up my sleeve-y."
"Oh my God, we're so sorry for bringing him here. I swear we're not all like this."

Deleted user

“Verm wrinkled his nose. “Look, are you sure you want to risk that? We have no idea what will be on that poor, poor PC.”” The Hitman’s Intentions -Me

Deleted user

The building was on fire, and it definitely wasn’t Maria’s fault. Well, maybe it was her fault, but no one knew that, you know things set on fire all the time by chance, so who is going to put two and two together? No one does math anymore anyway….
“MARIA!” Nina screamed at her sister, who had just walked through the door, singing an opening to a anime. “Where were you? Why is there a fire outside of the settlement?” The taller girl questioned.
“I don't know what you’re talking about…”
Nina put her hand to her head. “Maria… no, no…” She muttered. “You idiot we’re going to get in trouble.”
“You mean baka.” Maria corrected.
Nina put her hand down. “Whatever! We’re still going to get in trouble! What if it spreads into the settlement?”
“The wind will probably blow it out.” Maria wandered away.
“That’s not how fires work!” Nina exclaimed.
“Well potato potato.” She shrugged.

Deleted user

Roxanne skipped through the realm, happily singing.
"Rox, i love you. But shut up." Cherry said. the embodiment of fire crossing her arms in irritation
"Am i singing to loud?" The nature embodiment asked.


"Don't let me down."
"I'll surpass all your expectations, my lord."
"…Shouldn't be hard."

"I want death."
"Oh my God, are you okay?"
"Chill; I never said I wanted my death."

"Relax; I'm an expert."
"You dropped out of med school after one year."
Saren waved her hand dismissively. "I know plenty from my many years of experience in the field."
"Trial and error, mostly."
Aditya closed his eyes. "That is not something I'd want to hear from the ship's medic."

Deleted user

“Umm last I checked he wasn’t impaled with a 12 foot metal pole.”
“That’s Probably because he impaled himself.”

@Starfast group

“Most people seem to think that the arm is one of the safer places to be shot because there’s no vital organs in there. But that’s not entirely true. It can mean muscle damage, broken bones, and there’s always the risk of hitting major arteries. That kind of an injury would mean months of recovery and intense physiotherapy, and that’s just if you’re lucky. So, all things considered, you really… You were very lucky.”
“You weren’t about to say that I really dodged a bullet, were you?”
“No,” Dr. Azaryan chides, “That’s not what I was going to say. I like to think about what I say before I say it.”
I know he's not just saying that for the hell of it, but it’s still probably true. I feel like Dr. Azaryan is the kind of guy who thinks before he does anything. Everything that he’s said and done since he first walked in here felt very deliberate, as if he’d rehearsed the whole scene a thousand times in his head.
But I do think he was going to say that I dodged a bullet.


“It’s 3 in the morning.” He blinked. “How’d you get into my room, anyway?”
“The window.”
“The window is locked.”
“…not anymore.”

Deleted user

“Okay.. I’m just gonna wing this..” “I really, really don’t think you should just wing disableing a bomb!!!”


He wiped away a tear. "Beep beep lettuce."

I love this so much


"How many weapons do you have?!"
Yama slowly removed a pair of absolutely gigantic pistols, named Ignis and Agni, from a rack on the wall. He unfolded them to their full length and loaded the clips into the carved bone handles.
"When you're in a war, never enough."
(Here's the link in case you're confused on the design: Ignis and Agni)

Deleted user

We sat there for hours, a grieving motherland and a father brother who was trying to put everything back together because it would be all right and a broken daughter not-son who couldn’t even die properly. (this book is in first person) (i don't know how to do strike through in, so italics are strikethrough)

@HighPockets group

"The world's a special kind of hell, Della," Aunt Geneva began, and I could tell this wasn't the same fun-loving woman I'd seen last year. That crash had changed her, had shattered her and forced her back together too soon. "And you've got to be your own kind of special demon to survive it."


Quote from my sister's script based off of a book, it is my personal favourite part:

H: O, what's wrong?
O: I've been shot.
L: Don't tell me you're…
H: You're not going to…?
O: L, I'm sorry, I…
L: Shut up O, you're… you're going to be okay… Where did it hit you?
O: My arm, he… the bullet caught my arm.
L: You're arm! It's only your arm?
O: I do find my arm quite useful, thank you very much.
L: It's only your arm! I thought… I though you were going to die!
O: It is quite painful.
L: You are ridiculous

I just used initials because it's not my story and stuff… so yeah.


“Okay.. I’m just gonna wing this..” “I really, really don’t think you should just wing disableing a bomb!!!”

Great advice