forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

people_alt 178 followers


yeah shoppings weird ever go to the seafood isle and “who eats this stuff?!”


Same…Particularly salmon and popcorn shrimp.

Salmon is legit tf


yeah shoppings weird ever go to the seafood isle and “who eats this stuff?!”


Same…Particularly salmon and popcorn shrimp.

Salmon is legit tf

I eat it all. Sushi, squid, shrimp, fish…

@Elder-God-Whisper work

yeah shoppings weird ever go to the seafood isle and “who eats this stuff?!”


Same…Particularly salmon and popcorn shrimp.

Salmon is legit tf

I eat it all. Sushi, squid, shrimp, fish…

Sushi is the best. My brother ate squid once [my mother made him] and spat it right out, so I'm still hesitant to try it.


yeah shoppings weird ever go to the seafood isle and “who eats this stuff?!”


Same…Particularly salmon and popcorn shrimp.

Salmon is legit tf

I eat it all. Sushi, squid, shrimp, fish…

Sushi is the best. My brother ate squid once [my mother made him] and spat it right out, so I'm still hesitant to try it.

I love calamari!

@HighPockets group



"Riiiiight, the poison, the poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?"



"Riiiiight, the poison, the poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?'

I get this one

Yeah my friends and I use this one too

@TinyMagicWolf pets


"You're really heckin' me off brother, I'm on my last owo"

Person A: I beat him with my bare fists.
Persons B and C: You have bear fists?
Person D: You two need to stop hanging out together.