forum Profound Character Chat
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: Turns gaze towards the one addressing her. Eyes continue to glow beneath the veil
Well, in the world I'm from, we are mostly, well, located in the deep ocean depths. Most dragons, not just us deep sea ones use are forked tongues to help with our scent, testing the air to determine prey and potential threats around us
Though these surface lights are quite harsh on my sensitive eyes, hence I wear this veil to protect my vision
Though as I mentioned, due to an unfortunate accident, I've been forced to the surface till my leg properly heals


Kilándrè and Incëreth: crashes through swirling gold portal
Kilándrè: I swear to Creators I am going to kill
Incëreth: Look, there are people
Kilándrè: Not…fucking….again

@Dragoncita group

((I believe it should be find to jump in))

Sakuya: Seems to calm down even more. Gives Aeson a kind smile
Yes, somehow a I got tangled in a fisherman's net. The fishermen thought they had quite the catch, to only pull me up and in my fear I was thrashing to get free, and in their response, they started to attack
Sadly one of their harpoons hit me in my hip
Shakes her head
Unfortunately I don't think there is much that can be done anymore. Though figured I will most likely be crippled for the rest of my life, which I still have a long one ahead of me. As of now, I'm only somewhere in my 200's, still considered young

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Axion picks up Victoria and then sees Kilándrè and Incëreth.
Axion: “Haven’t I run into you two enough already?”

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Axion slaps Victoria’s face to wake her up.
Victoria: unintelligent gibberish.
Axion: good morning to you too. Right Kilándrè how is it that I run into you and Incëreth every time I decide to go inter dimensional?


Kilándrè: start levitating books
Incëreth: She does that when she's pissed
Kilándrè: Like right now when both you and the Seer are been dicks
Incëreth: Don't say that about…
Kilándrè: This is like the fourth time she sent me out and this happened!

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Axion sets Victoria down and then attempts to take cover.
Victoria rolls on the floor then gets up and hides with Axion.


Jeremiah: Khamaeal, can your suit survive a jump from this high?
Khamaeal: Yeah, but it'll be a pain in the ass.
Jeremiah: Anyone else want me to fly them out of this place?

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Victoria and Axion hides in fear of Kilándrè and her floating books.

@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: Glances to the one who introduced themselves. Gives a soft smile, bowing head slightly, then straightening again
Pleasure Aeson. Sakuya is the I go by