forum Profound Character Chat
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Dimitri- Do any of you know where the closest place I can get explosives is?

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Victoria: yes, as you would say. “Fantasy elves.”
Axion scoffs.

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Mikhail: Um…hello?
Max: Hey, where's the library?
Zyra: ….Can I leave?

@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: pauses in muttering, the tip of her tail twitching ever so slightly. Tilts head a bit, blue eyes glowing brightly through the protective veil
E-explosives? I-I don't really know what those are…I'm sorry
Glances over to the other individuals around, then grows quiet again, tail curling tightly against her side, folding hands neatly in her lap

Deleted user

Victoria pokes Axion.
Victoria: Annoy her enough and she acts like an explosive.
Axion: Hey knock it off hippie!

@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: Frowns slightly
Is the surface always this noisy?
Sighs, lifting a hand to move a few strands of loose hair behind her ear. Flinches slightly
O-Ow…if only that net hadn't gone down…it shouldn't haven't even been down that deep…or maybe I was perhaps not as deep as I thought I was…


Jeremiah: I'm tired of this building, looks like it's time to bust out. shifts his arms and legs into their demon form from the elbows/knees down
Khamaeal: takes out his kusari-nunchaku, pressing a button immediately the end of the nunchaku bar on the right side glows to life with blue electricity Hey, Jeremiah. I bet you I can bust out of here first.

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Victoria and Axion back up in panic and quickly hold each other’s hand.
Victoria: I- I- I don’t know!

@faltering-through pets

Jayson walks in, eating a lollipop, then nearly chokes on it when he sees Khamaeal take out the scary sort of fancy looking contraption. "woah woah woah, My dude, chillax a bit"

@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: Glances over, seeing what she takes as a weapon. Instantly her body starts to tremble in fear. Eyes glow even brighter. Resists the urge to take to her true form, knowing very well she wouldn't be able to fit inside the building
C-could we please avoid that…I-I'm sure there's a door…I would even more than happily try and find it for you despite my injury…
Body continues to tremble in fear


Both cease their actions
Khamaeal: I hate to be THAT guy, but look out the window.
Jeremiah does, and a large, sprawling urban landscape can be seen below them. They're in a building hundreds of meters up, floating, through the sky.
Jeremiah: I remember getting into this thing through a door.
Khamaeal: stays silent because he snuck in through a window
Jeremiah: Luckily, I can fly.
extends his wings

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Victoria faints from shock and Axion just sighs in relief.

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Axion kicks Victoria.
Axion: If falling counts as flying then I think all of us can.

@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: Continues to tremble in fear, eyes still glowing brightly through the veil
I-I think I might just s-stay here…I'll find the door when I feel able to walk without hurting myself even more…
Winces again from the pain in her leg
I'm more of a swimmer…coming from the deep ocean…

@faltering-through pets

Jasenia starts bawling "You remind me of my character…my poor poor character Aeson…! I deleted him." She says completely casually at the end
Jayson chuckles at what Axion said

@Nomadicd20 group

Aeson’s eyes widen
Aeson: Y-you have wings?! Can I study them?
Are they like bird wings or like dragon wings? Do you fly or glide? Can you…oh, sorry, my friends tell me I need to slow down with the zoology outbursts because they could startle people.

@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: Seems to calm down, if only slightly. Still trembles every now and then. Forked tongue slips past her lips, testing the air
O-Oh…I'm a Deep Sea Dragon…though sadly an unfortunate accident happened…so I have been on the surface and keeping to my human form…

@Nomadicd20 group

Aeson: A Deep Sea Dragon? I’ve never heard of those. Which makes me intrigued. I noticed your forked tongue, do you smell with that or is it just for show?