forum Profound Character Chat
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Brandi- Announcer voice A wild Brandi has appeared
Dimitri- Lets not.

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Axion: What in the Great mother Jala?!
Victoria: Language.

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Dimitri- This is a "Character Chat" isn't it?
Brandi- What's so wrong with that?
Dimitri- It's those nightmares that Avery was telling us about.
Brandi- Oh.


Khamaeal: in the rafters, he adjusts his mask, and takes out his kusarigama-nunchaku combo, and starts to creep closer to Jeremiah, before attempting to lunge down and whack him, Assassin's Creed style
Jeremiah: Ay what the Hell? retracts a pair of long, slender, powerful-looking chipotran wings, and fends him off A "character chat"?

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Axion: “Uhhhhh.”
Victoria just leans over to Axion: “I have no idea what’s going on.”

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Dimitri- Where our authors send us to "Devlop" us or some shit.
Brandi- Come on it can't be that bad, aye?


Jeremiah: I know this guy. His name is Khamaeal. Long story short I had to kick his ass over some dumb shit. So that's what's "going on".
Khamaeal: As if you even could.

@Rvan group

Erik: Rvan, come on! This is a great way to meet new people!
Rvan, being pulled by Erik while he takes a smoke: Sure, sure. New people, great.

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Axion: would you like a analytical figure or a sarcastic one.


Khamaeal: Listen, Jeremiah, can we postpone this until we get back to our multiverse?
Jeremiah: For now, yeah, I suppose we can. retracts his wings So, we're in a character chat?

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Brandi- I'm Brandi, and this is my brother Dimitri
Dimitri- Hello

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Victoria: to discover things.
Axion: or to be sarcastic and snarky to people.

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Dimitri- I like the second option
Brandi- Dimitri dont be rude.

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Dimitri- We already introduced ourselves.
Brandi- I'm sorry.

@Dragoncita group

Sakuya: Settled quietly in a darker corner in her human form, a veil across her eyes protecting her vision, tail curled around her side. Speaks softly to self
How strange, there must have been reason they sent me here for now…I hope I can return to the ocean again soon…the lights on the surface world are too hard on my eyes…