forum Poems and Excerpts and Such
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 9 followers


I have one that I wrote last night at 11:30 when I was depressed and couldn’t sleep
It’s terrible but here goes


Many have tried to imagine death
And many have succumbed
To its inky depths
Perilous waters
Bottomless chasms
Far away from the lands of the living
But further away
From peace

@Angel with a music box

Ok, this is just a random drabble I wrote last night when I was writing and very sleep deprived. It's basically describing my surroundings
Fairy lights, petrichor, and billowing curtains,
Creeping leaves leave my vision,
Trickling water in one ear, headphone in the other,
Blurry fingers and clacking keys,
Forty minutes until midnight,
What will happen between now and then?

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How do you guys do this poetry thing? Teach me!

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The only poetry I know is the rhyming one though.


How do you guys do this poetry thing? Teach me!

You've got to feel it.
Write about something you're passionate
I mean, Idk if this helps but I've been writing songs since I was like…..eight…..
So I've had some practice with list form I guess…


most of my poetry ends up rhyming
no idea why

It doesn't really matter much
As long as you try
If there are feelings and emotions
That you want to let fly.
Whether it be the happiest of laughter
or the saddest cry,
Just write it down, let it out.
No need to be shy.



She waves at you and smiles so big, like a rose so pretty and sweet

Turn your back and the smile slips off, she merges in the shadows

Watching you smile at others, she lives in your shadow

She comes at you and stands behind, in a movement so very quick

A flash of silver is all you see, before silver merges with red

She waves and you and smiles so big, like a rose so pretty and sweet

But even those who are so beautiful, find a way to hurt you