forum Poems and Excerpts and Such
Started by @Natasha

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@Angel with a music box

The tiny whispers of unexpected life,
Smothered by man-made expectations,
And choked by smoke from lying lungs,
Rose petals and pastels can’t conceal,
Real beauty is trapped in the mind of…
No, shhh, you’re not supposed to say,

@Angel with a music box

Ok, this is a pretty random one, but I kind of like it (sorry it's kind of long):

There’s a mockingbird on my shoulder,
That whispers in my ear,
She sings and whistles and hops about,
Until some one else comes near,
Around her ankle sits an unbreakable chain,
In the form of a golden thread,
That tethers her form to my side, and my life,
At least, that’s what she said,
She can’t remember her name or home, or anything in-between,
All she knows is a sweet little poem,
And the dozens of songs that she sings,
The poem doesn’t rhyme, nor make any real sense,
But she said it and was happy,
And that hasn’t stopped since,
My Mockingbird sings of skies, and her nest in the trees,
In spring she sings of flowers,
In the fall she sings of leaves,
She told me once that she wished she could fly,
That she didn’t feel free,
And the thought made me cry,
I told her she could leave, any time she did please,
But she ignored what I said,
And started singing of seas,
Of a man with blind eyes, who fell in love with the waves,
Of the Pirates that plundered,
And hid treasures in caves,
She sings in my ear, all the songs ever heard,
And sometimes I sing back,
To my trapped little bird.


We sing of the blue skies, we never will see

We praise the rains that are heard of in tale

We think of the winds, that fly so free

We've ran, we've tried, but doomed to fail

We go back to our words, the stories of light

The lore of flowers that grow in the sun

And the darkness that holds us with all of its might

Will not succeed in stealing this last bit of Us

Deleted user

Gah, you guys are so good at poetry, I wish I could write as good as you people.


I wrote a really sad one just now
Not sad as in crying but sad as in incomplete
I just don’t know what goes next


The sun races the moon
Across the sky
Day after day
Night after night
A never ending cosmic chase

@Angel with a music box

Okay, so this is really long, and pretty dramatic ':D, but it was just I concept I've kind of been working with. (Do you guys think it's too dramatic, should I dial it back a bit? Also really long, so sorry about that)

One day,
On a road no living thing had seen,
Life stood waiting to meet an old friend,
He stood with a gift in hand, smiling with anticipation,
He stood and watched as the sun slowly set,
He sang lullabies to the clouds as the stars came out,
When the moon rose on high, he spoke a soft greeting,
And watched lightning bugs dance through the grass,
Life waited for a very long time,
Finally his friend arrived, and the lightning bugs stopped dancing,
The darkness became more pronounced,
And the moon hid behind the clouds,
Death stood at the end of the path, in a long black cloak,
When he spoke his voice was rough, and the gaze he sent was rougher,
"What do you want?" Death asked life, standing tall and stiff,
Life laughed "I have a gift, my love,"
He opened his hands and sitting in his palms was a butterfly made of glass,
It alighted swiftly and bridged the gap between the two,
Alighting softly on Death's scythe,
The blue of it's wings glinted in the moonlight,
And it's tiny glass feet clinked softly on the blade,
Life smiled and blew a kiss "Just know my love, I will not stop sending you my gifts,
Not until we find a way to be together,"
So Life returned every night to send Death a gift,
Every night Death took his gifts and longed for Life,
And every night Life sent his gifts and longed for Death.


I'm gone for a day and you guys are all cranking out beautiful, inspiring works of art. Yet here I am writing about…i dunno, potatoes?

Deleted user

You guys are so amazing

and Im ordinary

so thats a really big difference, proud of you guys.



Born standing, crisp and stiff eager to play in the wind.
Older it gets, changing colours, trying to grasp hold in the wind.
Season changes, and so does the wind, finally it lets go
Drifting away in the wind.


I wrote these song lyrics a year or two ago.

Old rooms in Old places
Old school with old faces
Then a gust of wind blows it down to dust
New street names, in a new city
New people, don't know how to greet me
Things will never be the same

I wish I could stay back where I first began
I don't know what to do
Got dropped in a situation
Leaking frustration
Don't know how to handle “new”

Growing up in ignorance
Bullying and drama; it still persists
Wish I could turn a blind eye
Realizations in a new perspective
Old ignorance is now defective
I have to address what's in front me

I wish I could stay back where I first began
I don't know what to do
Got dropped in a situation
Leaking frustration
Don't know how to handle “new”

Keeping a positive outlook
Find help, get through it with a friend
Prayer in my darkest hours
Hope that it will end
You hear me
All of my frustrations
Help me with it
I know I can trust in You

I know where I am now,
I know now what to do
Got dropped in a situation,
But I know how to handle “new”
Lord, please help me
You are all that I need
Thank You for helping me
With the new