forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Update: My best friend who has no idea I’m even remotely suffering sent me a text saying that she missed me and that we should see each other again, so… uhh… I completely broke down into tears like the pathetic little heck I am and then my parents came home so guess I’m going to be here a bit longer

I just don’t know what to do anymore

Deleted user

I have a vent
I have a fucking vent
I hate drunk adults none of you here that considers yourself an adult counts
I hate feeling unsafe around people that I usually feel safe around, that feel like my second family
I hate men that are creepy and make everything over sexual
I hate that no one sees this except me
I almost said ok boomer to my dad. I was so fucking close. He’s not a boomer but he fucking acts like it. I had to explain ok boomer to a bunch of adults and my dad completely missed the point of the whole thing. Even after I explained it twice. Everyone else got it. Everyone else. Except he had to argue with me. He always has to argue with me over things like this. He said okay boomer to me. I don’t know why that makes me so fucking mad cause it sounds ridiculous but it does.
I hate adult men that act like 12 year old boys. And that doesn’t sound that bad except they’re drunk. And tall. And strong cause they work out a lot. And therefore scary
Idk tonight was fun until it was that type of fun where you feel like it’s about to break any moment and become dangerous

As someone who lived with an alcoholic for most of my childhood, drunk people suck.

Deleted user

So, I have a Nanowrimo party today to celebrate hitting 50,000.
My mom isn't going to want to take me, but I can't drive lol so I need her to.
How do I convince her??

Deleted user

Idk. But I found some old RP gems :3 I’m gonna read them with Emi I’m excited as heck

Deleted user

Yep, she's not taking me. Figures. Fucking bitch only took me to one.

Deleted user

Um, that's not the point?? The point is that my city really wants all the Wrimos to come to all the meetings, and today's is even 'MaNdAtOrY.'


ALSO! If you wanna feel badass today, here are some songs to listen to.
Ice Cold by Alexi Blue
Returns by NF
Thanks I Get by Iggy Azalea
Clap Back by Iggy Azalea
Bad To You by Ariana Grande, Normani, and Nicki Minaj
Bitch Better Have My Money by Rihanna

and that's all i can think of