forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

My vera bradley purse collection is growing slowly bigger as the years pass jk I only have three cause my aunt gives me one every year

I just got one yesterday, it's dark blue with cool flowery stuff!

Noice dark blue is low-key the best purse color

Deleted user

Miriam you should make a new chat for these cause they're fucking hilarious

Thank you Moxie I will consider it




it hurts to much after surgery but I have to push my muscles and walk even though I can’t even straighten my legs. Yay. Muscular Dystrophy issues. Dies.

Deleted user



it hurts to much after surgery but I have to push my muscles and walk even though I can’t even straighten my legs. Yay. Muscular Dystrophy issues. Dies.

When I had my knee surgery, the slightest bit of pressure hurt like hell too– And I couldn't straighten mine either. It takes time, babe

Deleted user

Why!!!!!!! I can’t even sleep properly! I can’t deal with another 6 weeks of this!

Do you have to wear your braces at night?

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Hi everyone. Never posted in the vent thread before, but well, this morning at six am I threw up for the first time in I think at least eight years (pretty sure it was something I ate), and I was supposed to go to work today but I can't make it until this afternoon. And part of me is glad because I didn't want to work over the weekend, but part of me is miserable because it was really hard to find somebody to cover for me and my specific role at work is somewhat important, and honestly I'm also a bit scared that I won't feel better by noon but will still have to work anyway. Also there's an ice storm going on in my town and I could always get in an accident while driving, you never know.
I think I just need a hug, thanks for listening to me moan and complain ^^;

@Pickles group

Hi everyone. Never posted in the vent thread before, but well, this morning at six am I threw up for the first time in I think at least eight years (pretty sure it was something I ate), and I was supposed to go to work today but I can't make it until this afternoon. And part of me is glad because I didn't want to work over the weekend, but part of me is miserable because it was really hard to find somebody to cover for me and my specific role at work is somewhat important, and honestly I'm also a bit scared that I won't feel better by noon but will still have to work anyway. Also there's an ice storm going on in my town and I could always get in an accident while driving, you never know.
I think I just need a hug, thanks for listening to me moan and complain ^^;

Oh, that sucks. I threw up a few months ago and it was the first time in five or six years. Bit of a shock, really man that pulled pork was good, though. I used it as an excuse to not go to school the next day. I don't work though, so I don't have advice on getting people to cover your shifts
Feel better

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Oh, that sucks. I threw up a few months ago and it was the first time in five or six years. Bit of a shock, really man that pulled pork was good, though. I used it as an excuse to not go to school the next day. I don't work though, so I don't have advice on getting people to cover your shifts
Feel better

Thanks ^^ I'm feeling a bit better now luckily, so I should be able to head over around noon and rescue whoever's doing my job for me lol.

@Pickles group

Off topic sorry guys, but where do you work?

Were you asking just me, or everyone? Personally, I'm a kennel assistant at a vet clinic. Only been working there a few months, but it's an all right first job ^^

You. That sounds fun

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Off topic sorry guys, but where do you work?

Were you asking just me, or everyone? Personally, I'm a kennel assistant at a vet clinic. Only been working there a few months, but it's an all right first job ^^

You. That sounds fun

Yeah, it's a bit hectic and messy, but there are usually kittens there so that makes up for it XD