forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

nervous laugh heh..yes…i am a fool….us humans and our slang terms amirite? you are a skinny…leg end

Deleted user

ah…um…heh my VERY HUMAN brain is slow today, you are a…..thicc ?

Deleted user

heh!!!!hehe!!! dabs this is my victory dance does fortnite dances

Deleted user

Its a common ritual, a rite of passage.
fortnite dances at the speed of light

Deleted user

whateth? whateth of the fucketh? howeth does thou fort-night danceth to the speed o' light?

Deleted user

mine own f'rtnite game is strong'r than thou

w'at the fucketh

Deleted user

doth thou takest me for a fool? a blithering worm? thee insultist mine own dignity

Deleted user

I am currently dying over here
my friend looked at me funny
asked me what was so funny
i told her
'w'at the fucketh'
we're both laughing so hard rn