forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

How does one like a message on Notebook?
That one deserves like 30


Things I should not be doing: Rewatching VGHS for the third time this year

Things I am currently doing: Rewatching VGHS for the third time this year


this s all so great
Things I should not be doing: singing This is Gospel at the top of my lungs while parading around my house
Things I am currently doing: singing This is Gospel at the top of my lungs while parading around my house

Deleted user

Things i am doing: being sad :(
Things i should NOT be doing: sad :(

Deleted user

Things I am doing: Procrastinating on basically everything.
Things I should not be doing: Procrastinating on basically everything.


Things I am doing: Sleeping in and playing on my phone
Things I should not be doing: Sleeping in and playing on my phone

Deleted user

Things I am doing: singing the mean girls soundtrack and scrolling through Insta
Things I should not be doing: singing the mean girls soundtrack and scrolling through Insta


Things I should not be doing: Binge-watching Who's Line scenes on YouTube and proceeding to directly quote them

Things I am currently doing: Binge-watching Who's Line scenes on YouTube and proceeding to directly quote them

Deleted user

I really should get up but…HEY ANOTHER NOTIFICATION
