forum Period Crap
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people_alt 70 followers


At some point, two of my friends (these two girls who were dating at the time) were walking through the halls holding hands and our principal basically yelled at them because "school is not a place for that stuff" and then proceeded to completely ignore the het couples that are practically making out in the hallways

Deleted user

once a bat, bird flew into the hallways, and then during XC there was a car on fire
but that's it

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try the thing where the boys go against the girl's dress code and wear spaget straps, etc., then have the girls do the same and see who gets in trouble more and then report it ;)

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Theres this one teacher who always dresscodes girls and never boys and it just so annoying!

Deleted user

report her to the principal
just do it
and then if he represses you record the events in chronological order and show it to him

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The principal is new here and quite stressed as it is, plus I haven't built up a good rep with him yet.

Deleted user

I see……………………………………………….well build a good rep and then VIVA LA RESISTANCE

Deleted user

And he's so new and stressed and I dont want to bother him…


At my new school the dresscode for the guys is really strict. No shorts, no jeans, button down shirt, collared shirt, tucked in, with tie, belt, no sneakers. While the girls dresscode is really allowing to what they make for girls clothes. Shirt needs a collar unless you have on a scarf then any shirt, shirt needs some form of strap, cold shoulder allowed, no blue jeans, fingertip length skirt, dress, shorts.

At my old school it was the other way around, guys basically wore what ever they wanted but girls had to have no shoulders showing, everything below the knee and pants had to be pinch an inch but not stretch or sweatpants. They don’t make many pairs of pants like that, so most people bought pants a size or two bigger and were constantly trying to not let their pants fall down.

@HighPockets group

These dumb boys at my school freaked out and called a bunch of the female teachers 'sexist' because they dresscoded guys for wearing shorts to church (even though they've been at my school for 8 years and know damn well they have to wear khakis or other dress pants) and not dresscoding a girl who wore legging to class on a non-church day.

@EmptyNebula group

At my school, we can't wear ripped jeans even if there are leggings underneath it. So one day, all and I mean all the girls wore ripped jeans that were ripped everywhere with leggings under it and the front office didn't know what to do.

@HighPockets group

My friends and I got in trouble with the lunch checkout lady who was always super rude and misanthropic to everyone because we told her to give our friend (who has really bad anxiety) her hat, since that hat is her favorite thing ever and basically her comfort item. When she refused, we called a meeting with the principal and things actually worked out pretty well? Like, she didn't get fired or anything, but she became almost nice and stopped harassing us.



We have uniform, but no dress code on free-dress days
So expect a couple of pikachu suits

@HighPockets group

I mean she legit walked up right behind my crush friend and TOOK THE HAT RIGHT OFF HER HEAD, BECAUSE 'IT'S DISRESPECTFUL' even though the cafeteria is hella cold and it was winter and it was a stocking hat?!?!?


What the hell?
And name badges are part of the uniform in summer


I don’t know what teachers are trying to teach us with dress codes but I don’t think it’s working. Whenever I leave my house when I don’t have school I make sure I’m breaking as many dresscode policies as possible.


The stupid formal collared shirt and skirt, school shoes etc. really extra uniform and taught me to hate formal wear
So now I go to concerts (performing or not) wearing a black hoodie and yoga pants

@HighPockets group

I mean, the middle school teaches had no hecks left to give about the dress code by graduation. One of my friends wore a dress that was a skirt and a top and had a good three inches of bare stomach showing and they didn't care. Dress code for graduation was basically "well you have to bow at the alter when you go up, so just make sure your skirt covers your backside and you're fine."