forum Percy Jackson isn't that great ya'll
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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@HighPockets group

Zeb: Gryffindor (bravery)
Hera: Hufflepuff (loyalty, determined)
Sabine: Ravenclaw (creative, intelligent, original)
Kanan: Hufflepuff (loyalty, determination)
Ezra: Slytherin (ambitious, cunning.)
Thrawn: Slytherin or Ravenclaw.

@HighPockets group

It’s really expensive though so I’m trying to find him for cheaper since I still need to get more from SOLO so I can have the whole crew.

@HighPockets group

Yeah. Also I feel like the conflict with Gaea was kind of anticlimactic and also came out of the blue. If Rick had introduced Gaea as a threat in TLO and had her be as angry as any mother realistically would be about her kids losing in that war, it would have been better.


I don't even have a prob with your opinion, like what you like, my only issue is that you spelled y'all wrong and it's been bugging me for a while now lol sorry.
Also, I like the series, but the fandom isn't that great. I love Viria, she's like… the only good part, but I feel like generally, the fandom is kind of childish. Like, I grew up with the books, and a lot of the fandom did too, but it feels like the rest of the fandom is stuck as a 12 year old (and while 12 year olds aren't bad, necessarily, I'm just not into the fandom and hanging out with a bunch of them) oof sorry


@@jynandor right??? The ship wars are terrible, but honestly, the ships laid out in the book are FINE just… they all need a nap


PJO will always have a special place in my heart cuz it influenced my childhood so positively, but when I reached middle school and tried to pick HoO back up (I had started it in elementary but never finished it) I just couldn't get into it. You can definitely tell that the writing isn't all it's cracked up to be. Like some of ya'll said, Rick had other projects going on whilst writing HoO so that definitely took a toll on the potential depth he could have gone into.

Plus I hate when series go on forever, Introducing so many intertwining characters and backstories that it becomes difficult to keep track of it all. Honestly, I kind of wish Rick would have put down mythology after PJO and just created a new, fresh idea. So much of the same story gets exhausting. Still, none of this has stopped me from owning the entirety of both series (I'm very nostalgic about it all).


I love the series, yeah, and I've read them all (I have the next trials of apollo book on hold at the library), I just don't like the fandom cause I think it's kinda trash, sorry. I appreciate how Rick is putting more diversity into the novels though. Like he's stepping up his game with LGBT characters and he has a lot of POCs now, even though most of the protags are white…

@HighPockets group

I absolutely love the first series. I have all copies of all five and reread them about once a year, and kinda ignore the other series. After everything Percy and Annabeth went through, they deserved a happy ending, not more war. Percy is a good character for younger boys to look up to. He’s loyal, brave, emotional, and caring. Then the second series replaces him with Jason (who is a totally Gary Stu), a ‘manly-man’ cardboard cutout, and reduces Percy to a deus ex machina, fanservice, and comic relief. Percabeth is a well developed, mutually caring ship as opposed to:
Caleo: rushed and unnecessary
Solangelo: rushed
Frazel: Hazel is like 13 and Frank is 16, so no
Jiper: Boring and has no slowburn


Unpopular opinion I don't like Caleo OR Solangelo. They both felt too much like fanservice tbh. Esp Solangelo.
Frazel, you're right about the age differences, I just want them to both be actual adults before they like… are actually in a relationship. Like once you're in college, or like 20, 3 years isn't a big diff (is Hazel is the 20 y.o.).
I like most of the HoO characters individually tho. Not really Jason, you're right, he's just cardboard.


yeah. 3-year diffs in the adult world don't really matter cuz you're both at least somewhat grown up. But in relationships concerning minors, it raises all kinds of questions about maturity differences and manipulation. Not that Frank is the type to manipulate/groom but still