forum Percy Jackson isn't that great ya'll
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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I read this and my heart broke into a million tiny pieces just saying



I read this and my heart broke into a million tiny pieces just saying


are you sirius?


@HighPockets group

I only liked the first series. Annabeth is my favorite character. Percy and Grover were poorly used in HoO, Jason is super overpowered and annoying, Piper was bland, Leo felt like an attempt to have another Percy but it fell flat, Hazel is too young for Frank, and the Greek/Roman gods thing was confusing. I never read the Kane Chronicles, liked Magnus Chase okay but it felt a little bland. Also Alex was a great concept that was very poorly executed. The best thing about Trials of Apollo is that it killed one of the seven, Apollo is super grating and the series should have focused on Meg.


The best thing about Trials of Apollo is that it killed one of the seven

how can you say that? I'm legitimately crying over here.

not trying to guilt trip y'all or anything, but…

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Some people are getting old of the whole 'they all survived and lived happily ever after.'

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Yeah. Like it's fine if you like them, but I think he could've done a better job developing the characters and series… It just looked like he was getting pressured by deadlines.

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And everyone loves Nico and backs him up on everything and acts like Percy was in the wrong for doing what he did… But? Percy didn't owe him anything after Nico betrayed him? And it wasn't Percy's fault Bianca died and any other could've died. Plus there a few years apart I'm thinking Percy wouldn't want to settle with someone younger than him.


I read the part where Nico says he had a crush on Percy and I just stopped, put the book down, and pondered that. Really? He did? Didn't come across that way. So I just assumed that since Nico was being messed with by Eros that this was just a wild answer to make him leave him alone.

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I agree. It really did not seem that way. And still, he ended up being heartbroken about it and everything… He asked him from the very beginning if Annabeth was his girlfriend, so he must've suspected something. Now thinking about it, since he was still trying to get over Percy in BoO, doesn't that mean Will was his rebound basically?

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But really almost NO ONE died in HoO. Leo? Brought back to life. In PJO, there was death, realistic death and they stayed dead after they died.

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That's not what were saying… We just want it to be realistic. Realistically, at least one or two would die.