forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers


I saw this near the top (ish) and was going to paste the last thing I had
but it's like
19000 words of my NaNovel
bc I was checking my official word count
not leaving that here lol


Native Norwegian Aspen has recently moved to America from her home country. High school put her through everything from bullying to a very recent, very nasty breakup, and she struggles with knowing who she really is instead of who others want her to be. She's conformed for too long and hopes to find better friends, a chance to be unique, and a new start in America.

(y'all should check out my friend's rp it's called 'welcome to a world of fun' or something like that and you'll find this girl there)


A snail walks into a bar and the barman tells him there's a strict policy about having snails in the bar and so kicks him out. A year later the same snail re-enters the bar and asks the barman "What did you do that for?"


Alone against the world

I heard the wind
The news they bring
Thought you were gone
Lost, beneath the jeweled sea

Yet you are here, but
How? In this
Broken world, this
Broken place, that
We still call sanctuary

Home, at last, but
What is home?
A place? A
Concept? A
Mere dream amid suffering?
To that, there is no answer

But you are
Here, and you are real
(Are you? Am I?) Yet
We are lost, and
Forever will be, we
Who stand
Alone against the world


Neuropathies, paresthesias (for cisplatin etc ..): Hypericum 200CH: twice a day or the combination of: Hamamelis 200CH + Arnica 3CH. together, give between two and three times a day

2nd line for neuritis and paresthesias: Bryonia 200CH


You saw the axe fall, watched
The life leaving my eyes, the
Scarlet lining the mire, thought I
Gone, forever beyond your reach, but
I stayed, to keep a promise
You told me not to make

Now, you can’t see me anymore, though
Closely I still followed, and
I watched you burn, the
Fire of your soul, there,
As those silver
Eyes I once worshipped
Slowly descend into madness

Your flames don’t burn anymore, the
Fire of your soul diminished, I
Called, but
You cannot answer, lost
In the ghosts of the past
I stood behind you, and watched
You fall

Caitlyn Audrey

"On va lui trouve, Angélique. N'inquietes pas."
Et, les enfants de l'Acadie étaient là pour longtemps.
Au bord de la mer.

Translation (for you monolinguals)
"We'll find her, Angelique. Don't worry."
And, the children of Acadia were there for a long time.
By the seaside.

@Oakie Dokie

corrected a thing that I love is really cool. Although it was sp00py, it was also a very sp00ky place. Unfortunately, I had feelings that confused me so I killed a wooden horse made pasta and greens. If you wish upon a dream then no one had Tylenol for whoever. But Obama ate bierocks, meaning that he forgot how his forks were used.


どうして どうして すき なん だろう
こんな に なみだ あふれてる

あの ころ わ うしなう もの が おおすぎて なに も うたえなかtた
すこし はなれた ばしょ そこ が わたし の いばしょ だtた

きみ の ひとみ の おく に あの ひ さみしさ を みつけた
ふたり にてる の かな?
きずけば いつ も となり に いて くれた

どうして こんな に すき なん だろう
きみ の こえ かなしい ほど ひびいてる よ
いま まで なに が ささえ だtた か
とおく はなれて わかtた よ

なきながら さがし つずけた まいご の こども の よう に
けど そこ に わ えいえん なんて ある わけ なくて

"だれ も しんじなければ いいん だ よ" つぶやいた ね
ふたり にてた の かな?
あの とき きみ を まもる と きめた の に

どうして おもいで に できない ん だろう
とおすぎて ちかすぎて とどかない よ
"わすれよう" tて おもえば おもう ほど
きみ が おおきく なtてく よ

どうして こんな に すき なん だろう
きみ の こえ かなしい ほど ひびいてる よ
いま まで なに が ささえ だtた か
とおく はなれて わかtた よ

どうして きみ を すき に なtた ん だろう
かんたん すぎて こたえ に ならない

@Oakie Dokie

Caught, I've lost all my love
Bound, unwound all my lust

Sometimes I wonder if that car was supposed to take my life
And when I fell through the water
Were my lungs supposed to fill with ice?
All that I've ever known
I've learned but never grown
I'm never gonna be found
All my love

Dust, torn up
All my trust
Drowned, pulled down
All I've found
Fight, find light
For this life

Sometimes I wonder if that car was supposed to take my life
And when I fell through the water
Were my lungs supposed to fill with ice?
All that I've ever known
I've learned but never grown
I'm never gonna be found
All my love

Sometimes I wonder if my worry's gonna drown my flame
And when my chest starts to tighten
Will I always find myself to blame?

All that I've ever shown
False face and broken bones
Feigning my strength as I fall
All that I dream to hold
Waits for a truth untold
I'll never know where I'm bound
But I'll be found


Sorry I’m not good at this but…
The species sounds v interesting, maybe you could elaborate? Obviously the details in his appearance and powers are helpful, but I’m still not sure as to what he is. Awesome name, by the way! Also, I know you just made the character but it’d be helpful developing (most specificslly “wanders now”) the pretty great personality and backstory he already has, and why was he in Egypt? I see has a lot of powers, personally I’d try not to make him OP but I’m sure you’ll do a good job of that. Overall he’s great!