forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Oakie Dokie

They were the only ones out in the bay that early morning, but there may as well have been a few hundred what with the noise Samuel was making. Edward Samuel Bell, Samuel’s father, could not get the poor kid to stop panicking. His sobs echoed off the distant horizon and returned to his ears as a splitting headache.
“Hey, Sammy, let’s just get this over with. Okay, bud?”
“Dad… You just had me kill someone. What the hell were you thinking?”
“Hey. Watch your language.” A long sigh escaped his body and he pulled his son back to his feet, heaving with all his might. Who knew his own child would be taller, stronger, and more successful at dating than he’d ever been at only 14? Pride swept through his body like a tidal wave, and he took a small moment to bask in the glory of successful fatherhood. He may not have gotten it right sometimes, but his son was already something special, and with a few more years he would be a name not forgotten in the history of the Bell Clan.
After a short, stern 5-minute pep talk, the two of them together lifted the cold, stiff body carefully over the safety railing and dropped it with a final plop. A light spray splashed up into their faces momentarily and then all was silent and still, save Samuel’s sniffles and the raucous call of the gulls that had begun to gather around the father and son.
“Dad, I’m never doing this again.”
Edward ruffled his son’s shaggy hair and stared knowingly into his deep green eyes, his own blue ones brimming with emotion. “That’s fine, Sam. I’m sorry."


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@soupnana group

Middle Ages
Stuff I know about the Middle Ages:

  • Kings and queens
  • The rich lived more in the center of the kingdom, the poor lived out in the fields or in the lower town.
  • They believed in witch craft and sorcery
  • They had servants
  • Royalty passed by blood
  • Executed people by burning at the stake and beheading.
  • Plague
  • Knights and Princesses
  • War
  • Castles
    Early Middle Ages - 500 AD - 1000 AD
    High Middle Ages - 1000 AD - 1300 AD
    Late Middle Ages - 1300 AD - 1500 AD
    The Germanic Tribes that conquered the Ramen Empire didn’t read or write.
    Germanic tribes - Small tribes held together by loyalty and family. No written language. Carved Europe into small kingdoms.
    Franks - Strongest kingdom. (Gaul)
    Clovis - King of Franks
  • Converted to Christianity.
  • Supported by the church of Ramen.
    Battle of Tours - Franks v. Muslims. Franks stopped the advancement of Islam into Europe.
    Charlemagne - Conquered Germany, part of Italy.
  • Conquests reunite much of old Ramen empire.
    Pope Leo the Third. Called Charlemagne to help.
    Pope took the role of political leader.
    Charlemagne’s Governments
  • Spread Christianity
  • Nobles ruled locally
  • Received education
  • Blended German, Ramen, Christian traditions.
    Reading 1
    The church is rich and so they develop a secret code in the Turkish government to keep all the thieves out.
    Reading 2
    Vikings from Russia “borrowed” one hundred gold bars from Czar, but after they tried to take off with the gold, they were captured and locked up in Moscow.
    Reading 3
    In the Middle Ages, people settled in the five kingdoms. There was constant war between the kingdoms, until each sent out missionaries to make peace with the other kingdoms. That began a new culture of love and peace.
    Random Question
    I’d miss out on having fun. While I admit I am kind of a hermit, and I prefer to stay in the house, I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere really fun. Comic con, barnes and noble, and even the movies with luxury loungers, wouldn’t be available to me. I probably would miss out on way more, including college and an LDS mission.
    System of rule in which local lords divided their land among lesser lords, in exchange, these lesser lords, or vassals, pledged service and loyalty to the greater lord.
    Fief: Land granted by a lord. Includes peasants, towns or buildings.
    Manor system
    Economic arrangement between a lord and serfs.
    Lords provide: Housing, farming, protection
    Serfs provide: Tended the land, cared for animals, maintained estate, and portion of their grain.
    Medieval Church
    Ramen Catholic Church controlled the daily life of everyone.
    Parish: local regional church
    Christian calendar set holidays.
    Priests guided people on issues of values and mortality.
    Tithe: Tax equal to 1/10 of a person’s income paid to the church.
    Church spread its power to all aspects of life.
    Secular: Aspects of life that are not religious.
    Papal Supremacy: Popes claimed control of political rulers.
    Concordance of Worms: Compromise between the holy Ramen emperor and the pope, settling the lay investiture - the right to install bishops in office.
    Monks and Nuns
    Benedictine rule: Rules for monastic life. Obedience to abbot, poverty, chastity.
    Cared for the poor and sick
    Set up schools for children
    Gave food and lodging to travelers.
    Canon law: Laws written by the church based on the Bible.
    Church had its own courts.
    Church punished those who broke church law.
    Excommunication: A sentence to hell and solitude from others by the church.

What was the manor system? What did the serfs provide to the lords? Economic arrangement between lord and serfs. The serfs tended the land, cared for the animals, maintained the estate, and they’d give away a portion of their grain.

The Crusades
1096 - 1204
Pope Urban II called a crusade (holy war) to take Jerusalem back from the Muslim Turks.
Holy Ramen Emperor -> Constantinople -> Jerusalem
Christians vs Muslims and Jews
Second Crusade lasted 200 hundred years on and off

Reconqista: War to drive Muslims out of Spain.
Moors: Muslims in Spain.
Heretics: Non-christians
Inquisition: Church courts designed to punish heretics.

Monarchs increased their power by protecting trade routs and keeping peace.
Common law: Legal system based on customs and court rulings.
For the 1st time that the power of the king could be limited by people.
-No taxation without representation
-Right to trial
-Jury trial

The Black Death
1/3 of Europe’s population died to a disease, causing starvation, riots, and economic collapse.
-Labor shortages led to lords paying their serfs
-Freedom to leave

England vs France - King of England claimed to be the kind of France and wanted French land,
-England victorious in beginning. Advantage with the longbow.
Joan of Arc: 17 year old peasant girl who led the French to victory in life and death. Became a martyr.
-New weapons ended knighthood.
-Monarch in France grew powerful
-Parliament in England grew powerful
-Marks the end of the Middle Ages

Why was the Magna Carta important? Because the king had limited power.

Mohammad: Savior of the Islam religion.
Angel Gabriel: Appears to Daniel to explain his visions
Quran: Their book/bible
5 pillar of Islam:

  • Shahada: Faith.
  • Salah: Prayer.
  • Zakāt: Charity.
  • Sawm: Fasting.
  • Hajj: pilgrimage
    Mosque: Temple
    Sunni muslims: Dominating part of the Islam religion.
    Shiite muslims: More dominant in Iran.
    Delhi Sultanate: Muslims dynasty in india.
    Sikhism: Blended hinduism and Islam
    (Seriously sorry for this. They're my history notes.)

Deleted user

And my character is…:
Name: Luminero (prefers to be called Luma by friends)
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Straight
Personality: Confident, adventurous, kind, helpful, cocky,
Description: blue-green eyes, leather vest over a violet hoodie (both have slits in the back for his wings), brown cargo pants hi-top sneakers(blue) and a pair of curved blades sheathed in an "x", the hilts of which have fire-gold gem shards embedded in them, on his back between his wings, his wings are fire-gold, with electric blue and violet streaks and hints of silver, his hair matches his wings,
Abilities: he can shift between human and wolf forms easily (his fur matches his hair and wings), he has control of three main auras, harmonix, chaosae, and solaris, solaris is a fire based aura, Harmonix & chaosae are obvious and he doesnt use these unless he has to. he is also an expert swordsman
Species: half human half solaris wolf,
Other, He does have some telepathic power..

(I was tryin ta set up an RP)

Grace B

I'm stressed but I have a plan but for the plan to sink in I need to tell someone. So I bought way to much stuff at Michael's and feel bad about that so I'm going to use it and any leftovers I'll just return