forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@HighPockets group

“Alexander Hamilton” - What have you done to get from where you started to where you are now?

"Aaron Burr, Sir”- If you could meet any person or book character that ever existed, who would it be and why?

“My Shot”- What motivates you to keep working?

“The Story Of Tonight” - What unites you and your friend group?

“The Schuyler Sisters” - What’s your best response to a bad pick up line?

“Farmer Refuted” - What was one time that you stood up for what you believed in?

“You’ll Be Back” - What was your worst ex like during your break up?

“Right Hand Man” - Do people tend to rely on you?

“A Winter’s Ball” - Do you like to go to parties or stay at home?

“Helpless” - Have you ever fallen in love? What did it feel like?

“Satisfied” - What was the biggest sacrifice you made for someone you loved?

“The Story of Tonight (Reprise)” - How do you deal with crushes?

"Wait For It" - What is your philosophy in life?

“Stay Alive” - What is your strategy when it seems like you’re going to lose?

“Ten Duel Commandments” - What is your method for dealing with conflict?

“Meet Me Inside” - What was the worst thing you’ve gotten in trouble for?

“That Would Be Enough” - Do you feel content where you are in life currently?

"Guns and Ships" - Are you fluent in any other languages?

"History Has Its Eyes On You" - What do you want to be remembered for in a hundred years?

“Yorktown” - What was your greatest success?

"What Comes Next" - Where do you see yourself in a decade?

“Dear Theodosia” - How do you feel about kids? Would you ever have children?

“Non-Stop”- What do you want more than anything?


Dog goes "woof"
Cat goes "meow"
Bird goes "tweet"
And mouse goes "squeek"
Cow goes "moo"
Frog goes "croak"
And the elephant goes "toot"
Ducks say "quack"
And fish go "blub"
And the seal goes "ow ow ow"
But there's one sound
That no one knows
What does the fox say?
What the fox say?
What the fox say?
What the fox say?
What the fox say?
Big blue eyes
Pointy nose
Chasing mice
And digging holes
Tiny paws
Up the hill
Suddenly you're standing still
Your fur is red
So beautiful
Like an angel in disguise
But if you meet
A friendly horse
Will you communicate by
How will you speak to that
What does the fox say?
What the fox say?
What the fox say?
"A-hee-ahee ha-hee!
A-hee-ahee ha-hee!
A-hee-ahee ha-hee!"
What the fox say?
What does the fox say?
The secret of the fox
Ancient mystery
Somewhere deep in the woods
I know you're hiding
What is your sound?
Will we ever know?
Will always be a mystery
What do you say?
You're my guardian angel
Hiding in the woods
What is your sound?
(Wa-wa-way-do, wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do, wa-wa-way-do)
Will we ever know? (Bay-budabud-dum-bam)
I want to (Mama-dum-day-do) I want to, I want to know!
(Abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do)

Deleted user

Jun-Jul 2018
Introverted 100%

Aug-Sep 2018
Introverted 100%

November 1st
Introverted 100%
Feeling 100%

Deleted user

22 and confused
On what to do and how to set it up
Kind of drunk, sort of high
She's a broken Miss America
Never learned how to love
'Cause the answers are stuck behind closed doors
You can call it a night
When the lights in the club don't shine no more [3x]

She wrote it on the bathroom wall in her favorite shade of lipstick
She wrote it on the bathroom wall in her favorite shade of lipstick
She just tryna figure out
We're just tryna figure out

Only dreams 'bout the lights
So he's having trouble getting up
He's convinced only Kanye knows how to make it in America
Never learned how to love
'Cause the answers are stuck in all of the lights (all of the lights)
He will call it a night
When the lights in the studio don't shine no more [3x]

She wrote it on the bathroom wall in her favorite shade of lipstick
She wrote it on the bathroom wall in her favorite shade of lipstick
She just tryna figure out
We're just tryna figure out


She wrote it on the bathroom wall in her favorite shade of lipstick
She wrote it on the bathroom wall in her favorite shade of lipstick
She just tryna figure out
I'm just tryna figure out

((oh look song lyrics))
((great song btw))


Turning my back
Slamming my door
Tell myself for the 10th time
I don't need anyone, no more
But the tug is still pulling
I'm too weak to go away
The calls are still ringing
Asking me to stay
While my flame is dying
Surrounded by ice
The candle is melting
The wick, flickering
The wax pooling
Creating a string of rope
Until the shadows flicker, one last hope
Light distinguishes
And life, vanishes

Deleted user

Have you ever looked at an inspiring character in a book and wanted to be just like them? They might even have had a couple of glorious sentences describing their amazingness.
But this is just in books, right?
I didn't think anyone could actually be like that - especially her. How could she, despite all she was going through in life, manage to hold onto it? Yes, she cut herself. Yes, she smoked, did drugs, practically ruined her own life - but she never killed herself. She may have tried to, but she never did succeed. She held onto life. Whatever happened.
She saw the darkness but wasn't afraid. She pushed it aside, greeted it like an old friend, even danced with it a little, and then promptly left it on the side of the road to go do her thing. It wasn't any impulse control disorder she had - she knew the consequences of every action but didn't care. Life and death themselves had nothing on her.


Tiger snakes are a type of venomous snake found in southern regions of Australia, including its coastal islands and Tasmania. These snakes are highly variable in their colour, often banded like those on a tiger, and forms in their regional occurrences.

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She cradled her red cheek. "She was WEAK, she was DYING. Her fragmented ghost would've never had survived without me! I SAVED THAT TRASH FOR YOU, IN HOPES THAT ONE DAY YOU'D COME FIND HER, BUT SO FAR YOU'VE JUST BEEN A DICK TO HER!" She screamed.

Deleted user

"you're wrong" he said with chill in his voice "i've been a dick to YOU not HER…" he opened the door but stopped at the threshold "she is the furthest thing from weak… she went through hell to keep me a secret, endured nothing but ridicule from her own damn family… if she were standing in front of me, i'd keep her safe, happy, cared for… but you aren't her… you will NEVER be her…"

"That is where you are wrong." She growled. "You don't know what I am, do you? I'm her rage, her urges, her words, her muffled cries of help! I am every negative thing about her! We are one in the same. I'm the hated part of her. You said you would never hate her, I am part of her. I'm the part she snuffed out to protect you, i am the person you never wanted her to be. I AM THE GHOST THAT WOULD CLAW AWAY AT HER, CAUSING HERSELF TO RIP HER OWN FINGERS OPEN." She screamed, tears falling down her cheeks.

@HighPockets group

Alexander: Okay, if anyone asks who we are. I’m the leader, Laurens my number two, Hercules is our combat strength, Lafayette is our intelligence and Burr is our Canary.
Burr: Canary?
Alexander: We send you in first, and if you die we know the room is dangerous.
Burr: Gee, Thanks.

Deleted user

She backed away from him, tears erupting from her blue and green returning eyes. She choked on her words, her body racking in sobs. "I'm not the woman you loved. She's dying, even if she came back now it'd be no use!" She took another step away. "She won't come back now, she thinks she did this. She's dying, she's killing herself." She sobbed, her breaths uneven and rapid.

Deleted user

Um, Connie..?

kreig walked into the house threw off his helmet and out the window
Connie looked up from where she sat. "What the fuck dude?"
he tossed a shattered machete onto the table "some god damn scaver broke my machete..”
She rolled her eyes. "Fix it then. We're in a scrap yard."
He grabbed the table and threw it with ease "Cold… Steel… by far the best blade company and it was the first to be destroyed…" he threw one of the shards and it stuck on the wall "ya think i can just 'fix' master craftmanship?"
"Yes i can." She got up and looked after the table he threw. "If i had known taking you in would've been this difficult i would've never at all…" She muttered, her eyes turning grey.
"yeah, and you'd let your panzy of a boyfriend pass you by… like hell you wouldn't take me in."
She glared at him, her eyes slits. "You are really pissing me off." She growled.
"oh, i'm pissin' you off? fuck you and everything you had before the bombs." (krieg is a dick)
"I had Torin before the bombs fell, are you telling me to fuck him? Because i can't because of the dick that is you." She hissed.
"you can do that all you want, but i'm definitely going to get some of that… bitch"
"Call me that one more time." She growled, taking a step closer to him.
he chuckled "what are you going to do about it bitch ?"
She grabbed a knife from her side and pinned it to her neck, a small trickle of blood flowing out. "I'm not going to do anything. I'm going to let Torin eat you alive."
his eyes grew wide and his neck jerked to the side and he punched himself in the face and fell on his back "heh… he's gonna be passed out for a while" he sat up and fixed his broken, bleeding nose "we're gonna have some fun you and i…"
She growled and only pushed the knife a little deeper into her skin, not even wincing. "Over my dead body."
he lunged up and took the knife from her hand "are you really just going to kill yourself when he isn't around? you really are useless."
She leaned forward with a snarl. "Says the man I"ve housed and fed."
"and if you didn't do that, you'd be dead where you stand… i treked through hell and highwater to find you and you try to pull this shit?"
"Yes." She growled. "But you didn't come to find me. The one you came to find, she's gone. Died seven years ago." She flipped the knife in her hand.
"i know… and i still miss her…" he shoved her away trying to knock the blade out of her hand in the process. (yay sadness :D)
"Get over it, she was trash anyway." She growled, pulling her other knife out.
he walked over to her and grabbed the hand with the knife "then you won't mind killing me if she really is dead." he dragged her hand and held it to the base of his chin "do it, if you think she's dead."
She paused, her eyes filling with fear. She pulled her hand away quickly, tears streaming down her face and snarling at herself.
"gotcha…" he pulled her close to him in a hug
She pushed away from him, still snarling.
"she's still in there, she never died, just got mixed in with somethin' else" (hell, this isn't even all krieg) tears rolled down his cheeks "she just needs a lil' space to grow…"
"I can say the same for my Torin you asshole!" She yelled, her face in pure rage but tears flowing down her cheeks.
"you think i wanted him gone? he had more reason than the god damn panzy… he's worn himself out… he can't take control anymore…"
She grabbed his collar. "I don't care what you say, Kreig. I know him, he's strong!" She growled
"you overestimate him then…" he pried her hands off "i've tried bringing him back… he's worn himself thin…"
"Since when have you cared about him?" She hissed. "Tell me!"
"i never asked to be here… i never wanted to be here… he made me real and laissez-faired himself to nothing more than a mere memory…”
"So now you throw a pity party? I've waited years to be free from that trash that is Connie. She was a sensitive little asshole, that's what she was, nothing." Rogue growled.
he lowered his head and sighed "i really didn't want to do this…" with one swift move he back handed Rogue "you want to see trash, look in a fucking mirror… she was a light in this hell hole and you have the NERVE to call her trash?"
She cradled her red cheek. "She was WEAK, she was DYING. Her fragmented ghost would've never had survived without me! I SAVED THAT TRASH FOR YOU, IN HOPES THAT ONE DAY YOU'D COME FIND HER, BUT SO FAR YOU'VE JUST BEEN A DICK TO HER!" She screamed.
"you're wrong" he said with chill in his voice "i've been a dick to YOU not HER…" he opened the door but stopped at the threshold "she is the furthest thing from weak… she went through hell to keep me a secret, endured nothing but ridicule from her own damn family… if she were standing in front of me, i'd keep her safe, happy, cared for… but you aren't her… you will NEVER be her…"
"That is where you are wrong." She growled. "You don't know what I am, do you? I'm her rage, her urges, her words, her muffled cries of help! I am every negative thing about her! We are one in the same. I'm the hated part of her. You said you would never hate her, I am part of her. I'm the part she snuffed out to protect you, i am the person you never wanted her to be. I AM THE GHOST THAT WOULD CLAW AWAY AT HER, CAUSING HERSELF TO RIP HER OWN FINGERS OPEN." She screamed, tears falling down her cheeks.
He wanted to walk out, he NEEDED to walk out but something in the back of his mind sent a chill down his spine what are we doing, she'll never be the one we loved he gave a quick glance to her she's nothing like our Angel… she's a murderer… another voice entered his head but so are we… we killed people for much less… his chest felt heavy with these words going through his head no… she's just a distant memory… she even said that Connie was just a ghost… didn't we think the same? Torin is still here but he has forced himself to be so weak… he looked at her again but for much longer she has forgotten who she is… leave her, she'll only slow us down… he took a step closer to her what are you doing? he took a few more i'm doing what you never would he kneeled next to her.
She backed away from him, tears erupting from her blue and green returning eyes. She choked on her words, her body racking in sobs. "I'm not the woman you loved. She's dying, even if she came back now it'd be no use!" She took another step away. "She won't come back now, she thinks she did this. She's dying, she's killing herself." She sobbed, her breaths uneven and rapid.
he hugged her "you are the woman i fell in love with… your light has dimmed but you're still her… this isn't your fault, i'm so… very sorry my dear… please forgive me…"
She sobbed. "I-I'm not. I'm a monster!" She cried, trying to be free from his embrace. "You dont understand!" Her body shook with wails.
"you're not a monster… you did what you had to do to survive… you're still the woman i love."
"L-let go of me…. please!" She wailed, choking on her sobs.
he reluctantly let go and fell to his knees and hung his head low "please understand… i still love you with everything i have in me…"
"N-no… NO!" She screamed with a cry, bolting away past him through the door and running into the foret.