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Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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History of Music

Music started out as people singing in caves so they could find their way around. Music was literally the difference between life and death. It’s extraordinary how far music has come in the years since its invention.

I found it interesting that music had a very religious start. Monks invented musical notation, the first composer to sign their name was most likely a nun, and most music was based around religious chants and performed in church.
The lurs that they found in Denmark were very interesting to me. I’m surprised that they survived!

Slowly, music branched away from it’s religious roots, and started to be used for other things. Composers started using music to portray emotions and paint a picture in the audience’s head.

The Romantic Era interested me. I liked Liszh’s music, and I thought it was really cool how he had so much influence over music. I liked the Halloween-like music.

I did not know that the Beatles brought elements of classical music into the pop music scene.

My favourite time period was the early days of rock and roll and jazz. I love the music and I find the development incredibly interesting.


Not a single one of us is about to suggest that Justin Bieber is in possession of a normal brain; anyone who’s grown-up in the way that he has is practically guaranteed to be a little bit screwy in the bonce. But ahh… look, we’ll just let the evidence speak for itself in this case.

Bieber, as a lot of you are probably aware, is a card-carrying Hillsong aficionado; the God-thumping corporation that applies big-budget production to religious austerity and isn’t harbouring any hidden financial agendas whatsoever.

Point being, your boy Biebs is a devout Christian, and as such the holy Easter weekend holds a certain level of significance for him.

Maybe he’s all het up on chocolate or something, or maybe he’s seen the holy light. Whatever the case, Bieber has chosen to mark celebrations of Easter Sunday with a rather… the kindest word is probably “loose” pair of posts on Instagram.

We reiterate: It’s a wild ride.