forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Annika and Otis hopped out of Annika's mom's car and went through the registration process. It came to picking their nametags. Oh dang, how will they prounounce it this time? Annika thought to herself. "Ok, here's Otis Hartford and Ann-ickuh,Ann-eeka, Ann-ie-kuh,um…here." Annika and Otis smiled at each other and walked on. They were greeted by a cheerful rotund woman who was gonna tell them their cabins. "Ok, Otis, you're in Cabin 3,England, and you,honey, are in Cabin 7, Hondoras." the woman said in a Southern accent. "AUSTIN! Take this young man to his cabin, and get Anna on your way out to take this young lady to hers." Austin smiled at Annika (they were cousins), and led Otis out. Annika's mom hugged her daughter and Anna led her to Hondoras.

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idek who that is

yea that's the last thing I copied

I kinda want to know what prompted this…..


In Siem Reap, Cambodia, the tourist town that serves as a gateway to the celebrated ruins of Angkor Wat, has a population of less than 100,000 people, but is home to 35 orphanages. Very few tourists are properly trained to interact with vulnerable or traumatized children, and their brief encounters with orphans foster an attachment that leads to disappointment on the part of the children when the volunteers leave. As well as this, well intentioned volunteers are unintentionally fueling a demand for ‘fake orphans’ , children who were not actually orphans but whose parents had placed them in orphanage facilities with the hope that volunteer visitors would adopt them.