forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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When he was ten, he and his twin went in the woods after their father's death. They wander too far and stumble into coyote territory. Tom protects Audra from the coyotes but gets his face ripped off in the process. Tom dying and Audra bleeding everywhere, she drags him out of the woods and he goes into the hospital. His face cant be fixed because how screwed up it is.
When he's 17, he wanders in the woods again, feeling dejected and ignored by his twin. He stumbles upon the Oak Of Life, a dying tree within thorn bushes and tall dying grass that was once a beautiful meadow (the oak dying is because of what happened with the rest of the group the year before) he finds a large metal object within a hollowed hole in it, it shocks him and he nearly dies. Before he passes out he sees a silhouette that comes to possess him, Sycore, the trapped spirit and the antagonist of the first two books. Sycore informs him on what happened, that his sister tried to kill everyone, that her boyfriend killed himself and broke her heart, that Sycore was trying to stop her. Sycore infected his mind and soon took control over his body, turning Tom into Sycore physically and mentally. His eye turns blue and he gets his other eye back. Sycore kills Ember whilst in
Tom's body and yeah shit goes down. Tom is put into Sycore's memories because plot. When Sycore is freed from Tom's body, he bleeds out again and nearly dies of blood loss again, reliving getting his eye ripped out. He gets better after time, a remainer of Sycore's rage stll in him. And here he is with Seraph.

(character backstory)


Name: Willow Reaves
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Powers: Telepathy (Can read people’s minds/feelings can also make people feel a certain way)
Looks: Dark red hair, hazel eyes with yellow around the pupil that slightly glows when powers are in use sharp cheekbones, pale skin, 4’11
Personality: Loner, but wants to be social gets along very well with herself, has had several cell mates after driving her past ones nearly insane, tried to be super nice but has sociopathic tendencies
Favorite Weapon: Her words
Worst Fear: Finding someone with the same ability has her
Greatest Desire: To belong to a group
One Random Fact: Loooovvveess chocolate
Other: Slytherin, no glasses, permanent limp

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Last thing I copied. Yes, this is me talking. Please don’t judge me.)

Oh thank the gods. So, the situation is I don’t feel comfortable being labeled as a girl, but my parents are…. religious, to say the least. Not very accepting. (My mother told me I shouldn’t consider anyone transgender my friend,But, I don’t want to be transgender, because I do like some of my female traits. (Not physical.) And I have no idea whether I should even do what I really want to do and become gender fluid/non binary when I move out because my family will shun me for life. Also, I don’t know if I identify as non-binary or gender-fluid. I’m gonna crack with this.

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You're fine. You, Thomas Blake Laymaier, are okay. You are fine. You are very much okay. Much okay, very fine.

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y'all this is my binary rap