forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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MOM: One day you will have feelings for boys
6 year old me: okat
7 years later
Me: hey mom, u were wrong
mom: what do u mean
Me: I'm Lesbian
mom: 0-0
Me: 0-0'

@JustALostM book

Lincoln stood in the back of the crowd. He didn't really want to have a 'chat' with the queen. Lincoln Was starring down the food table, not concentrating on anything else. He walked towards the food table, not realizing that the queen was quite close to it. He walked over and took a cookie. Lincoln bit into it with satisfaction. A small sweet snack that was yummy, just what he needed. After he finished eating the cookie he started to move towards the spot that he was standing at before. Suddenly He tripped over someone's leg and went flying into the queen.
Lincoln's vision was a bit hazy from the fall so he still didn't realize that he had bumped into the queen. Once he got up he looked at the queen and his eye widened the second he saw her. Oh no…I've done it… He hissed under his breath. "I- Um..I-" Lincoln stuttered. "I'm sorry your majesty…" Lincoln stretched out his hand to help her get up. People in the hall were all quiet. Crap…One way to embarrass myself…But I've embarrassed the queen… He hissed to himself.

@spacebluelily language

Gyro didn’t like this at all. They had all been thrown to the ground, and he knew that for a fact because currently, his face was touching the cold floor. He closed his eyes for a moment. He didn’t hear the voice of his intern, or his boss. That was good. He wasn’t in the mood of responding to any of their dumb questions. He finally, had some peace and quiet. Something Gyro never thought he would get again after meeting Fenton. His peace and quiet were replaced with fear. He feared that his stupid, yet loveable intern was dead. He feared that his boss was dead. He feared that the kids were dead.

@Kanaroli group

An organism that feeds on the decomposing bodies of other organisms, and turns it into soil or something similar

(my stupid ass read that as orgasm-)


Americans have not always been addicted to sugar like they have been the past century. It's easy to believe that sugar is safe since it's everywhere we turn. It's even hidden it tons of food we don't even consider sweet, such as pasta sauce, ketchup and canned foods. Whether it's fake sugar or real sugar, many people love its sweet taste without thinking too much about the consequences. After all, it's legal, just like alcohol, so it can't be too bad, right?

@andromeda language

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, set by France's National Constituent Assembly in 1789, is a human civil rights document from the French Revolution. The Declaration was drafted by the Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès and the Marquis de Lafayette, in consultation with Thomas Jefferson.