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Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

my writing could be the most beautiful or important piece of prose but it means nothing if its boring if people arent lisenting or reading i think transporting someone, putting them in a story for a few hours taking them out of there worlds is what i always strive to do

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

my writing could be the most beautiful or important piece of prose but it means nothing if its boring if people arent lisenting or reading i think transporting someone, putting them in a story for a few hours taking them out of there worlds is what i always strive to do

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

my writing could be the most beautiful or important piece of prose but it means nothing if its boring if people arent lisenting or reading i think transporting someone, putting them in a story for a few hours taking them out of there worlds is what i always strive to do

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

my writing could be the most beautiful or important piece of prose but it means nothing if its boring if people arent lisenting or reading i think transporting someone, putting them in a story for a few hours taking them out of there worlds is what i always strive to do

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

my writing could be the most beautiful or important piece of prose but it means nothing if its boring if people arent lisenting or reading i think transporting someone, putting them in a story for a few hours taking them out of there worlds is what i always strive to do

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

my writing could be the most beautiful or important piece of prose but it means nothing if its boring if people arent lisenting or reading i think transporting someone, putting them in a story for a few hours taking them out of there worlds is what i always strive to do

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

my writing could be the most beautiful or important piece of prose but it means nothing if its boring if people arent lisenting or reading i think transporting someone, putting them in a story for a few hours taking them out of there worlds is what i always strive to do

Deleted user

What are earthquakes, how are they formed? An earthquake is formed when two pieces of earth rub together. The thing that is similar between volcanoes and Earthquakes is that they both really cause a ton of damage.

Seismic waves are a force that creates an earthquake. There are two types of seismic waves, one of them being “Surface Waves” and “Body waves. Surface waves travel What consists of a Surface Wave is a Love wave and a Rayleigh Wave. Love waves is the ground shifting from left to right. Rayleigh Waves are different from Love Waves. Rayleigh Waves move up and down.

Body Waves, however, are different in many ways. As the name suggests the Waves are being seen through a body, from the inside. There are two different types of body waves, P-Waves (Primary) and S-Waves (Secondary). The P-Waves are much faster than the S-Wave. In a case where there’s a scale to 100% right around 60% of the P-Wave, you’d see the S-wave starting to form. Let’s say you have a big rock, you hit it with a hammer on the bottom as hard as you possibly can. You’ll feel a vibration in the rock. That means that when you hit the rock the atoms bounce off each other and the atoms above hit the ones above them, so on and so forth. P-Waves can travel through air (which is slowest at 330 mps), Liquid (Second to fastest at 1500 mps), and Solid (The fastest being 5000 mps).

Now, the S-Wave. In a case where you have a big rock and you hit it very hard on the side of it, instead of the atoms of the rock hitting themselves upwards, it goes side to side, somewhat like a rippling effect. Then it starts to create an earthquake. S-Waves can only travel through Solids; why? If the S-Wave goes through water or air the atoms push at each other and then the “strings” that keep them attached snaps due to it being too fragile. Though air is much worse. Solids are the strongest, hence why the S-Waves can only travel through Solids.

The Richter scale is a scale that can tell how big the earthquake is. There is no actual cap to the scale but the highest it has ever reached is 9.5 in The Chile earthquake of 1960. Some earthquakes are so small, no one can feel them, but yet The Richter scale could still read the earthquake. 

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(wait is my computer acting funky or did that repeat 7 times)


@saor_illust school

(lmaooo i remember learning abt that stuff last year mosis)

I’ve been a part of SMB for coming up on two years, and I’ve gotta say, it really surprised me to see how close I’ve gotten to us active members, and how much I trust them. But as I’ve seen it, there have definitely been