forum Pagan/Witch/Wiccan+ Community
Started by @The-Magician group

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@Becfromthedead group

My cousins and I went to a crystal/metaphysical shop a couple of days ago. The younger one is 10 and is just like "ooh shiny rock," but the older one has taken legitimate interest in crystals and tarot and all that stuff, so I'm wondering 👀👀👀
Also got myself some incense, selenite, a desert rose selenite, raw citrine, and a tumbled snowflake obsidian

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

My cousins and I went to a crystal/metaphysical shop a couple of days ago. The younger one is 10 and is just like "ooh shiny rock," but the older one has taken legitimate interest in crystals and tarot and all that stuff, so I'm wondering 👀👀👀
Also got myself some incense, selenite, a desert rose selenite, raw citrine, and a tumbled snowflake obsidian

Omg I just went to a metaphysical shop for the first time the other day! I ended up taking my friends too and we got all kinds of crystals. I'm gonna take a new friend there on Monday and get her a rose quartz (or whatever else she wants heh)

@Pickles group

Sigils and crystals for concentration, luck, intuition, and anxiety. I have several sigils for concentration and amethyst is a fucking life saver for bad days
Not witchcraft, but trick yourself into caring about the stuff you're learning about


So last night I was going through some boxes I hadn't yet unpacked since I moved two years ago, and I found four crystals! Sadly, two of them are actually fake lmao. But I do now have a chunk of rose quartz and some purple amethyst


Is there a spell I can use to help me pass better at my new school? I’m really nervous about it and i wanna pass as well as possible.

If you're talking about passing in a trans context, you could do a glamour spell. Glamour spells are meant to give you confidence and to give people who look at you a certain perception of yourself. Basically the spell helps project aspects of yourself to stand out- for your pleasure and to those around you. So, in the morning before school you could listen to your favorite music that makes you feel manly, wash your face and spray fragrance or cologne, all with intent to hype up your most beloved aspects of yourself, the stuff that you want to express. If you like being tall, bless your shoes and back to carry you. If you bind, bless your binder to conceal and keep you safe. It can be tricky because it's all about self love and care, which dysphoria can stand in the way of, but it's probably the best type of spell for passing in a trans context.

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Is there a spell I can use to help me pass better at my new school? I’m really nervous about it and i wanna pass as well as possible.

If you're talking about passing in a trans context, you could do a glamour spell. Glamour spells are meant to give you confidence and to give people who look at you a certain perception of yourself. Basically the spell helps project aspects of yourself to stand out- for your pleasure and to those around you. So, in the morning before school you could listen to your favorite music that makes you feel manly, wash your face and spray fragrance or cologne, all with intent to hype up your most beloved aspects of yourself, the stuff that you want to express. If you like being tall, bless your shoes and back to carry you. If you bind, bless your binder to conceal and keep you safe. It can be tricky because it's all about self love and care, which dysphoria can stand in the way of, but it's probably the best type of spell for passing in a trans context.

Thank you!

@The-Magician group

I once again visited my favourite women at the metaphysical shop in town, and once again nearly gave them a heart attack with how much money I spent. On the plus side, because I’m always visiting them, even just to say hello, they keep giving me discounts and stuff for free. I love them, they’re so nice, and I love that they are okay with me buying half their stock!

@Pickles group

Lazy kitchen witchery with Linn:
Today's episode is spaghetti and meatballs
Cook meatballs. Cook spaghetti. Combine. Add tomato and basil sauce. Look up the properties of tomato and basil because you forgot them. Don't pay attention to any other ingredients because who has time for that. Stir in intention. Realize that you didn't make enough and hope that the vague intention of "abundance" is good enough to fill everyone up and that they don't get mad at you because they're hungry

@Pickles group

We're just gonna ignore the fact that the first card I pulled was the tower :)))

they're just being mean about my inevitable financial ruin now and I don't like it. stop bullying me


Happy Lúnasa everyone! 🌾🥖☀️
Lúnasa (or Lughnasadh as the old spelling, both pronounced loo-NASA) is a festival of the harvest of wheat and a celebration of the God-king/ollam Lugh (loo).
It's a time to take stock of what you have and express gratitude to the people, gods, spirits, and ancestors who've helped you get here. It's also a time of festivals and games held in honor of Lugh and his foster mother, Tailtiu (tall-chu).
Here's a wonderful video about Lugh and the stories and meaning behind Lúnasa!

@Pickles group

Shout-out to the time when I was little and at soccer practice it started raining so I said "screw you zeus" at the sky and it started raining harder
Baby Pickles was hella bold and Old Pickles would like to issue an apology

@Pickles group

Is there a crystal to wake me up? Because I went to bed late last night and accidentally had some amethyst in pocket and I'm fucking exhausted


Lavender scent, fresh pine leaves by your bed or under your pillow (I think just the scent would work too), raw onion right before bed, or cowslip tea.

@Pickles group

Finally got around to cleaning off my crystals and they're all so pretty??? Except this puke green one that I think is peridot. It smells like shit

@Pickles group

questions brought to you by spending too much time alone with my thoughts
Q: how many pieces of rose quartz do you have?
A: six
Q: I see. And does it seem to be helping?
A: no comment
Q: do you need that much?
A: yes.
Q: what is your relationship with your amethyst like?
A: perfectly normal, I am not reliant on it
Q: mhm. and how's the research going?
A: no comment