forum Out of Context
Started by @Knight-Shives group

people_alt 169 followers

@HighPockets group

Here's some out-of-context WW3 quotes from my APUSH and Health classes:
"I can't get drafted since I'll be busy at Pence's summer camps."

"bOnE sPuRs"

"So the US did a stupid."

"What if they nuked Yellowstone?"

"We're fine, who's gonna bomb southern Wisconsin?"
"People aiming for Chicago."
"Guess I'll move north."

"The UP, which should be its own state-"

"I want interstate combat to be legalized so Wisconsin can seize the UP." (Said friend is from the UP btw)
"What if someone tried to take over Rhode Island?"
"Fuck Rhode Island, they deserve it."

"Or as I like to call it, 'World War Three, Straight To DVD'-"

@Mojack group

“that feeling when you catch a bullet with your throat and rupture your larynx”
“anybody got a chest tube”

“Yeah this nurse is awesome, she started playing sans theme song while she was treating me”