forum Musician Chat
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I know this isn't my chat or n topic but How do you change your picture?

@Becfromthedead group

Go to account settings, click on where the profile pic should be, and a link to gravatar should pop up. I'm not 100% sure how it works because I'm too lazy to have a profile pic.


Well you got the first steps right lmao. The next is to create an account so it saves and converts any pics. Then after you make one (i can't remember exactly how I did mine and I can't check rn cuz school) you have to save and export the pic onto notebook. then either close and reopen notebook are refresh the page and the pic should pop up as your icon.

Deleted user

Hey guys, I don't write music or anything, but I do play a few instruments so I guess I could be called a musician…XD

Same M.K but i write songs


I have found my home.
I play several instruments, I can't sing, and I kinda write songs (I gave up on lyrics a while ago; now I try to write instrumental pieces without much success).

Deleted user

i’m a producer/singer songwriter and musician. There is this track that I was working on about a week ago but lyrically all I have at the moment is the hook in the verses are vocally empty because I have the instrumental which is basically just piano

Deleted user

there is a lot of seventh and ninth chords in this track and yes I played and recorded the piano part

Deleted user

The hook has a fairly straightforward chord progression but in the second verse it changes dramatically and that’s when the kinda advanced progression comes in

Deleted user

Thats awesome, I just do vocals and lyrics. Sometimes i use a soundboard….


I'm pretty trash at songwriting, but the one song I wrote that actually cam eout pretty decent I wrote by composing a poem, and then improvising some music to it, then wirting down that music and building on it

@Becfromthedead group

Piano accompaniment is one of the best kinds in my opinion. It's just so pure and simple and nice, plus piano isn't terribly hard to write for if you know what you're doing- it's really versatile and can work with what you want to do.
I wrote a piano/trombone duet last year, and I placed in a state songwriting competition, so that's cool. I'm working on a piano duet, but writing 2 piano parts at the same time is a pain. I also have a piece I wrote that was partially inspired by one of my OCs, which in theory is hilarious, but it's one of my favorite things that I've written.
I'm just curious. Who here uses composition software? Because I've used it exactly once in a music camp, then never again. I hand-write everything now. I just much prefer sitting there and having to forge together the parts to being able to have a computer play them for me to hear. (Yes, I enjoy making things hard for myself.)