forum Musician Chat
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 10 followers

Deleted user

any how, cool. I write weird songs that come off as depressing but have a really upbeat beat


finger guns I can play the flute and am meh at violin. I am learning guitar though, and I am too much of a coward to write songs lol


I mean I played the flute for like 4 years but got bored and then attempted saxophone, trumpet, and drums, but then I did violin for like a year and now I have an electric guitar I'm obsessing a little over

Deleted user

I have the first one

Midnight mooring, echoing you to sleep.

Deleted user

I do a lot of covers, considering that my songs always turn out crappy.

Deleted user

Yeah, i just sing so i can do some more then with a instrument


I can sing and I can play piano (kinda), clarinet (expert), ocarina (alto C, 12 hole), a bit of flute (my lips keep quivering no matter what i do), alto saxophone, and my dad has been trying to teach me guitar but I can't quite move my fingers fast enough, but at least he gives me vocal lessons. I was lucky enough to have a musically-talented father who was actually in a band that nearly got signed with Ted Nuget.