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Alto saxophone.

I'm fairly certain I'm a soprano but I've never actually asked my father or any professional what my voice range is called. I can go from Heather Chandler (Heathers the musical) to Christine (Phantom of the Opera).

Deleted user

Im somewhere in the middle, bu my voice fits more with the higher range

@Painted-Iris group

I played a lot of piano but have been really out of practice.
Used to play trombone in band but hated my instructor so I quit
I wanna learn ukulele and I'm currently messing around with the drums

@Becfromthedead group

So like mezzo-soprano, Duskie? That’s about where my voice was for years. And then it got deeper, and I’m best at singing alto now. Alto is super fun because you get to sing harmony in a group.

Deleted user

I think, im not sure. I just recently started singing with a group.

Deleted user

Its okay, im not sure… my voice is suited for blues music. so, its really hard for my voice not to do runs.

Deleted user

I fi more with tenors actualy, sadly i am biologicly female and the people in my school only think of me as female.

@Becfromthedead group

I gotcha. But I have known females to go into the tenor section of their voice is low enough, and you could absolutely try to train yourself to go somewhat lower. At this point, my singing voice is low enough that I could probably sing most tenor parts, but my speaking voice is higher and very feminine. So there’s nothing stopping you. It’s not unusual, even if others regard you as female.
Idk if my voice naturally got deeper or what, but for me, my range got lower as I started messing around with singing tenor-range rock songs. (Because tenor voices are my favorite to listen to.) Maybe you could try practicing that sort of stuff? From what I gather, you’re pretty young, so your voice is still developing.


Oof I have like two different singing voices. One is very low and kind of quiet but the other is loud and a bit higher but I can’t go very high at all. I also have like no vocal range, it’s either very low or between that and high and no in between lol

Deleted user

Once i get back from school i can probably post a clip of my voice.

@Becfromthedead group

Oof I have like two different singing voices. One is very low and kind of quiet but the other is loud and a bit higher but I can’t go very high at all. I also have like no vocal range, it’s either very low or between that and high and no in between lol

So you have a range that’s just like a breaking point in your voice? Because those are a pain… I have a really bad break around the G-B above the middle C, so I feel ya.


I'm over here like damn you guys got some nice low ranges and I can fucking blast other people's eardrums out because I can hit the high E note

@Painted-Iris group

I did elementary school choir because I loved my teacher and because it really didn't matter how well you sang when you're just in 4th grade
after that I did the band thing
and I wish I would have done percussion
hm maybe I could ask for drum lessons lmao

@Becfromthedead group

I see. I haven't done choir since middle school because I didn't have time in my schedule and I also hated the choir kids as a whole at my school. So many of them were so conceited. My middle school chorus sounded better than my high school one (granted, my middle school chorus was really good) and still, these people had the nerve to act the way they did. It's so dumb. Like this one girl always got solos through middle and high school despite having the grossest tone ever and also being a rude, narcissistic child who I've always hated. She just kind of got them because her mom was someone tbh… Ughh and she was so mean to us and disrespectful to adults.

@Becfromthedead group

I really wish I had done band. I was at an arts school, and I chose piano as my specialty because it's what I was best at. But it was really cliquish, so I mostly kept to myself and made friends elsewhere. Glad I did.

@Becfromthedead group

Tbh everyone at my school had to stick with an arts area, like it or not. But I've worked with the band instructor before, and a lot of my friends were band kids. There's just so much more camaraderie in band than other musical groups.