forum Medical Venting Space {Get Advice on Your (Minor) Medical Issues!}
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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay, so a tension headache is in that area, and so are cluster headaches. Tension headaches happen in the front of your head, above your eyes, and are caused bys stress, or fatigue. Cluster headaches are right behind your eyes, and can also relate to stress, and your sinuses. With cluster, one eye can feel worse than the other, but eventually, they'll even out. I hope it helps… I just have a bunch of useless knowledge trapped in my head about things…

Deleted user

I wouldn't say it's useless, it;s rather nice to know that.


Also, this may be totally irrelevant, but I get headaches like that when I'm hungry or just worked out and need food and water. I don't know why my body decides to tell me to eat and drink water like that instead of just getting thirsty or hungry, but it does anyway.

@saor_illust school

hhhhh is the back of my throat supposed to hurt??? like I legit can't fall asleep for too or being so annoying and hurting, but if it was rlly bad i wouldn't be asking u guys so don't worry. but like u know that feeling when u accidentally swallow a cough drop and ur chest hurts? well it's like my chest andmy throat, the back of it more specifically and ig sometimes parts of my stomach now too??? idk I can't sleep

Deleted user

hhhhh is the back of my throat supposed to hurt??? like I legit can't fall asleep for too or being so annoying and hurting, but if it was rlly bad i wouldn't be asking u guys so don't worry. but like u know that feeling when u accidentally swallow a cough drop and ur chest hurts? well it's like my chest andmy throat, the back of it more specifically and ig sometimes parts of my stomach now too??? idk I can't sleep

OK so I had something very similar with the throat thing? Have you had a quick look in the back of your throat where you think it's hurting? I had a lot of pain in the back there literally a few days ago, and it would burn when I drank water.
I had a quick look to where I thought the pain was (something I hadn't done for the whole week my throat was sore) and discovered I had two-three ulcers. Luckily it's started to heal and I can drink and eat without pain.

I would definitely recommend going to a doctor if the pain persists for around a week. While it's true that some stuff disappears after a week (sore throat, sore ankle), it's definitely a good idea to at least get it checked out in case there is something worse there.