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Do ya'll know anything that would help to (for lack of better words) sensitivity to certain smells?
Certain smells just make me want to cry and the only thing I can do for now is cover my nose and try to breathe through my mouth until I can get away from it but sometimes I can't and I was hoping maybe someone else has experienced something like this and knows some tricks…

Deleted user

  1. You're pregnant {lmao}
  2. Anxiety.

Either way, you're probably dealing with hyperosmia. It's basically a heightened sense of smell caused by other conditions/issues {usually}. Try chewing strong minty gum around these smells.


Well I'm very sure I'm not pregnant so that's not a problem.
Also, chewing gum is one of the smells I hate so that's gonna be an issue. But it's weird because it's only very specific smells and most smells that bother other people don't bother me.
(I do get anxious easily though so I'm not ruling out that one.)

Deleted user

Well, you may want to visit a therapist to see what exactly is causing this. You could also try migraine meds.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Zero experience here, but maybe try keeping something on you that smells comforting for when you encounter the "bad" smells, like maybe a small bottle of scented essential oils?

Deleted user

What does it mean if your cramps are so bad it's kinda messing with your vision?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Well I'm very sure I'm not pregnant so that's not a problem.
Also, chewing gum is one of the smells I hate so that's gonna be an issue. But it's weird because it's only very specific smells and most smells that bother other people don't bother me.
(I do get anxious easily though so I'm not ruling out that one.)

Okay. I have issues with this as well. I always like have a distracter smell, in my case vanilla, to use. If it's mint that's making you have episodes??? (I dunno man) use eucalyptus, or lavender, or rosemary. Or in my mom's case, she legit has a little spray bottle of febreeze that she sprays when she's having her episodes.


Well I'm very sure I'm not pregnant so that's not a problem.
Also, chewing gum is one of the smells I hate so that's gonna be an issue. But it's weird because it's only very specific smells and most smells that bother other people don't bother me.
(I do get anxious easily though so I'm not ruling out that one.)

Okay. I have issues with this as well. I always like have a distracter smell, in my case vanilla, to use. If it's mint that's making you have episodes??? (I dunno man) use eucalyptus, or lavender, or rosemary. Or in my mom's case, she legit has a little spray bottle of febreeze that she sprays when she's having her episodes.

Thanks! I'll try it. (I do have this one necklace that you can put essential oils in so I could possibly start carrying that around so I don't have to just breathe into my shirt sleeve or my collar)
Also no, mint does not give me problems. So far my list is chewing gum, peanut butter, and yogurt.


I'd be fine with not liking those things but the problem is my parents really like peanut butter, my brother loves yogurt, and people chew gum in my school a lot.
I can see where you're coming from with eggs. They can be kind of smelly.
Oh and I also have to do the dishes half the week and that smells absolutely terrible
Thanks for the tips!

@Becfromthedead group

Ice, rest, and anti-inflammatory (advil, tylenol, whatever you prefer). If it's severe or doesn't get better, get it checked out. That's really all I can say with that little information.

@Becfromthedead group

Best things to ease cold symptoms without medicine? Also sleeping with a cold?!!? I’ve never figured it out. I’ve been told I need to take medicine but I’m a broke college student and cold medicine can get pricey.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh yeah, that’s a thing I can do. I’ll do that before I go to class.
(Also I’m a whole fool and decided to take a random decongestant that I had last night and it made me feel better but it kept me awake all night)

Deleted user

I keep having a horrible headache.
Like, really really bad.
It's almost every day and it's not from lack of sleep or my meds, I know that.
I'm not dehydrated.

Deleted user

Behind my eyes, near the front of my head, and at my temples.


Do you wear glasses? That sounds like it could be caused by a vision problem. Both me and my mom had headaches in the same place you described and it was caused by the strain in our eyes from looking at computer screens and poor vision.

Deleted user

I do, but we went to the eye doctor and she said I shouldn't have any headaches relating to my vision.