forum Medical Venting Space {Get Advice on Your (Minor) Medical Issues!}
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Deleted user

Feeling sick?
Have an earache?
Got a hip that just won't stop aching?
Talk about it! Everyone on this chat will do their best to give you whatever advice they know.

We are not professionals. If you don't feel like anything you try is helping you, go to a doctor.
Also, there are some situations that require going to a hospital. If you feel you are in one of these situations, go to a hospital.
And by request of Izzy: Go to the hospital if you have chest pains of any sort. Like, right away.

@saor_illust school

That looks great! One thing I think you might want to add- (this is actually legit, but it's also the only serious medical thing i actually know)

In the medical world, if you have chest pains, that's a serious thing. Don't go on a writing site to come ask for advice first, go to the hospital so you don't die or something.

Deleted user

That looks great! One thing I think you might want to add- (this is actually legit, but it's also the only serious medical thing i actually know)

In the medical world, if you have chest pains, that's a serious thing. Don't go on a writing site to come ask for advice first, go to the hospital so you don't die or something.

done :)

Deleted user

I'm starting off my own chat

I have had the worst earache all day and I am in so much pain
Does anyone know something that would help?

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Make it hurt more, to temporarily relieve it so you can think.
(I had one once for weeks, and I'd move my jaw in a way that made it hurt more, and then I could ignore it better.)1

Deleted user

Ok so this isn't really what this topic aims to do, but I want to rant about it anyway (I want to be a paramedic when I'm older, or a paediatric nurse (but I low don't like hospitals)).

Defibrillator paddles. Omigod do not use them.
Especially on bare skin. I always struggle watching TV dramas and movies and they use the paddles - it's not so bad but when it's on bare skin I can't.
Paddles are basically becoming obsolete. They burn your skin, and there are tons of more complications with it.
Medical professionals are beginning to use MFE pads, or multi-function electrode pads. They are a lot safer, and you can keep them attached to the patient. You can also continue doing CPR until they are fully charged and ready to shock, which is extremely important in life threatening situations.

Anyway, rant over (even though it's not really what this topic was aimed at);

Deleted user

I'm starting off my own chat

I have had the worst earache all day and I am in so much pain
Does anyone know something that would help?

It depends on whether it's internal or external.
If it's internal, you could have an ear infection and can easily get drops to put in.
If it's external, you could easily find something for it, though I would recommend going to a doctor if the pain is prolonged.
There's also a possibility that the ache is caused by the brain or jaw - this is very rare so I doubt that is the case.

For any of these, definitely go to the doctor anyway. It could be a one-off thing, or it could be something more serious. If it goes on for longer than 4-7 days, you should definitely seek medical professional help.


my joints are always super sore, and i can't get stand up without immediately getting super dizzy. i drink loads of water, so it isn't that i'm dehydrated. thoughts?

Deleted user

Hey Lemon!
For the dizzy-when-standing thing, it probably has something to do with your blood sugar. I had the same thing happen to me a lot one time while I was back home in Germany, so I went to the doctor and they said to just take your time with moving into standing positions. Like, if you're laying down, don't just jump up; Sit up for a few seconds, then put your legs on the floor for a few, before finally standing in place for a minute and walking.

As for your joints: You're young, so this is definitely irregular. This could be a sign of a few different kinds of juvenile Arthritis. The first one that comes to mind for me is Rheumatoid Arthritis– Do your research and see if the listed symptoms match yours. I also recommend looking into some other types of arthritis. If your feel your symptoms match what you see online, go to a doctor. They will diagnose you and either give you medicine or another form of treatment. Otherwise, I would try taping, as it is very good for pain relief, or sports wraps. For severe joint pain, you may want to purchase a few braces. Like, if your ankle hurts a lot and very often, try an ankle brace.

Deleted user

Go to physio.
A couple months ago (like end of August), I woke up with really bad pain in my shoulder.
We left it but it was still hurting a few days later, so my parents took me to physio.
My physiotherapist did a bunch of massaging my shoulder muscles, strapped it and after a couple weeks it was fine.
Don't try to get rid of it yourself, and definitely don't expect it to clear in a matter of days.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Lots of water
Any kind of soft food (Pudding, Icecream, ect. Especially the icecream)
Cough Drops!!!
Sometimes a literal spoonful of honey helps…
Cold things. Just… cold.. smooth things. (Ice cream)

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, like Wolfheart said, stay hydrated.
Hot tea with honey is one of my preferred remedies. Chai is probably a personal favorite for this purpose, but I don't think the type of tea matters that much.
And ice cream is fine, as long as your sore throat isn't accompanied by mucus, because dairy can actually make that worse. Same with cough drops in some cases.

@Becfromthedead group

Oh yeah, and also you can use anti-inflammatories like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Acetaminophen is found in some cough and cold medicines to help relieve throat pain.

@saor_illust school

{No judgement here on what you're trying to purchase, just so you know.}
Well, as long as you purchase it from a store site that you know is real (perhaps you've seen the store before, or there's a store where you live), it should be okay. Judging from the site, I highly doubt that it's a credible site, so… I would recommend using say, Walgreens or Rite Aid (I don't know if they even have a site so, don't trust me on that.)

@Becfromthedead group

That’s a prescription drug. Was it prescribed to you? Because if so you should be able to tell the doctor what pharmacy to send it to (and maybe they could help you find a cheaper route). And if not, you need to be really careful about how you go about getting it because it’s an antibiotic and not something that should be taken unprescribed.
What I assume you’re trying to do is get it without anyone knowing (due to an STD I assume because this stuff is used to treat other common ailments, but that’s something more embarrassing). It may be better to go to or at least contact a planned parenthood or something like that rather than a regular doctor. I don’t know enough about the topic to be certain, but that’s my advice.