forum me and a friend (stalkers, welcome...?)
Started by Deleted user
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@Pickles group

Perhaps we were a little harsh, but it was his own decision to leave. If you want respect, you have to earn it. And he did not.

Deleted user

we also didn't really drive him away. Like, at all. He deleted his account on his own after I told him to stop swearing at me.

Deleted user

He started cussing you guys out because you were being rude.
At first he asked me if I could just leave some of these chats, then he said he would just delete his account instead.
I'm the whole reason he was on here anyway, so be mad at me all you want.
I do agree that he gets mad to easily, but you guys were really starting to get to him.

Deleted user

I will now claim responsibility for a newbie having thin skin.


you guys weren't even invited into the chat
you just showed up and started picking on the guy, even after they changed their picture
they had a right to be angry

Deleted user

Stalk meaning, I don't give a damn if you read what were saying.

@Pickles group

You can't expect people to not show up when you put something on a public forum. And you didn't seem too upset when your sister joined the conversation.

Deleted user

You can't expect people to not show up when you put something on a public forum. And you didn't seem too upset when your sister joined the conversation.

alright alright alright, one, it's my sister and I didn't really like that she just invited herself in even after I told her not too
two being back to what I said, I really wouldn't have given a damn if people read what we talked about.

@Pickles group

Look. I'm sorry that your friend left, I'm sorry he can't take even a fraction of what he dishes out, and I'm sorry he has a terrible sense of humor, but do not blame it on us.


you're right
they can't blame us for that guy leaving

…But they can blame us for causing unwanted drama in forums we weren't allowed in.
Just because it's public doesn't make it ok

Deleted user

I understand that, but they just started berating him about one, stupid, picture even after he changed it.


Yeah. We were being a bit harsh, but dude deleted his own account. He could have owned up and apologized, could have ignored us, or hell, y'all could have moved to a PM. But y'all didn't. Don't pin the blame on us, honey. We didn't delete his account. He did.