forum me and a friend (stalkers, welcome...?)
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those abbreviations don't seem like a non-native speaker to me but too late now

haha yeah. I was like "Bitch you really tryna hide behind that fakeass excuse?"

@TheLonePaladin group

Dude. I personally was just teasing you(I am obligated to tease the friends of my younger sister). I never said the intention wasn't funny(I have pretty dark humor myself)… its just that many people don't find the Nazi symbol funny.
Although, the Swastika was(and still is in many cultures) a symbol of luck!
So yah… Leave the poor man alone.

Deleted user

Why are you people still on here anyway? He's gone, so you can leave. Make fun of him on some other chat.

@TheLonePaladin group

I do not know why y'all got so mad at the poor kid… Yes, a swastika wasn't a good idea(and his cursing wasn't either), but to drive a person off of a site, a site that is open to everyone, is find quite rude. When I got on this site, I was amazed by the supporting community and the kind people within it. I guess I was wrong(at least within this chat). Just because he had a dumb profile pic and he cursed was no need to all go ballistic on each other. If all of you were bothered, then you all and Jeremiah could of talked about it, coming up with a solution. Just polity ask… it worked back years ago and no doubt it would work today.

That was rambley. Sorry. :P

@Pickles group

This is a writing site, and we did not "drive him off the site". He deleted his own account. Yes, swastikas aren't funny and if you can't get over the fact that putting it as your profile picture is neither funny nor appropriate, you're the one with the problem, not everyone else.

@TheLonePaladin group

True, to a large extent, he did over react, but still… Everybody jut chill out. A happy, good solution could of been thought of. Please, kind human Pickles(and others) just bear with me!?
Also(please don't get mad and annoyed and comment back about this part) but in a way, ya'll did drive him away. This is the only chat he would get on(so he could have fun hanging with my sister), and people came along with their bad attitudes and got mad at him. Think about it, here is an example: Your invited to, lets say- a youth group by a friend(who has been to this group and has talked of the positive people within it, so the you think it may be fun). Now think, when you get there, to the group that you have been told is full of nice people, starts being rude, because maybe your shirt has something stupid on it. The people don't even ask you, "Hey will you go home and change?" or "Will you please put your jacket on over you shirt?" They just start you out with vulgarity and un-civilness. Would you want to stay, when people are being mean to you in a place that you have been told is full of kind, supporting people? Probably not, no.
Again Pickles, your not entirely wrong, but please just bear me(and Anxiety At The Finest).

Deleted user

Imagine thinking we drove a kid off lmao
he's the one who swore at everyone and was just a little bitch.
We don't put up with that here.
Then he deleted his own account.

Deleted user

idk I agree with Lone. We’ve driven people off before and this is obviously one of those situations. He was offensive, but he changed his profile picture. He cursed? So what? I curse and none of y’all chase me off.

Deleted user

I agree with Emi, we've all cursed.
So what if he thought spongebob was funny, he's a teenage boy.
I highly doubt that everyone on notebook is a writer anyway.
You just chose to be rude to him because you felt like it.

@Pickles group

We've all cursed, but we don't curse people out when we tell them we don't find swastikas funny.
No, not everyone here is a writer, but guess what? Everyone that's not a writer is also an annoying, rude newbie.