forum Marvel Tribute to Infinity Characters who died in Infinity Wars. ( CONTAINS SPOILERS SO DO NOT PARTICIPATE IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT!)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Nope. I kind of want to add something to one of the pages now…

Deleted user

Marvel update! Venom might be involved in Spiderman: Far from Home

Deleted user

Oh wait, wrong villain, they're doing the Sinister 6 thing.


Also, just think;

Marvel has created infinite opportunities for the actors in those movies… once they're killed off, contracts ended- they'll be in different movies, wheeere perhaps directors will (cough) respect their viewers, and not kill them off… also, they might be in movies we like even more

Deleted user

Excuse you! Are you a marvel hater or a marvel lover? THIS IS A TRIVUTE FOR GOODNESS SAKES, NO DEATH!


I like Marvel, just not how they play with the characters. If in the end, only two of the original characters are spared- at least for one last movie, then I'm not a fan of that. Why show viewers the individual back stories, if they decide to kill them off anyways.

It's like a lot of flawed Nicholas Cage movies; just not great. I'm not sure where the terminology as to, "Long Live Marvel," relates to, because they are literally committing suicide, character by character. Whether or not this is a tribute, the crumbs of our favorite characters aren't completely on Thanos's hands….


Example: My all-time favorite character is Tony Stark. Literally the coolest. I've done some mild snooping, and it looks like the next movie is the last movie Robert Downey Jr's contracted for… so either A.) He renews his contract or B.) His character dies. Robert is human, and has made clear he's a bit tired of playing 'Iron Man' (Very unfortunate) and in several interviews, (One of my favorite is on Netflix) he says that playing the same character over and over… well, just is not his thing. So option B is the current reality, as of now