forum Marvel Tribute to Infinity Characters who died in Infinity Wars. ( CONTAINS SPOILERS SO DO NOT PARTICIPATE IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT!)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers


Despite that, I can tell you fo' sho- by the end of Infinity War, I was successfully turned me off of any future Marvel movies. I'm not wasting $7.00 to get my innards mutilated, and sucker-punched. If I wanted to sit in a corner and cry, I'd just listen to shrill music

Deleted user

Ok, first, one Im sorry if I'm yelling, but Marvel is based off the comics and well the comics did that so I guess its not really their fault and second, YOU KNOW THAT ALL THE FLIPPING CHARACTERS ARE GOING TO LIVE RIGHT?!? Because well if they did actually die, that would be bad comercial buisness man. Also third, thank you for the informative speech, but please put it somewhere else? No offense, but I made this post so it could be a tribute to the fallen characters, here we can cry and be happy at the same time.

Sorry for the long speech. thanks


The directors aren't following the comics word by word. Captain America was supposed to die in Civil War– but didn't. The directors have also made clear that there will be actual character death, without any regard as to whether or not they're the upmost main character.

Personally, that's what irritates me; I understand the company needs money, so they're going to make you want to come to the next movie. But they shouldn't feel compelled to go, "Actually, it doesn't matter if the plot's good or bad… half of these people are coming to this movie to see if their favorite character comes back alive-" to me, that's kinda unethical.

Deleted user

People are still going to die in the next movie you know,. not everyone is coming back to life and its going to be really interesting though. WE ALSO HAVE FREAKING CAPTAIN MARVEEEELL!


The directors aren't following the comics word by word. Captain America was supposed to die in Civil War– but didn't. The directors have also made clear that there will be actual character death, without any regard as to whether or not they're the upmost main character.

Personally, that's what irritates me; I understand the company needs money, so they're going to make you want to come to the next movie. But they shouldn't feel compelled to go, "Actually, it doesn't matter if the plot's good or bad… half of these people are coming to this movie to see if their favorite character comes back alive-" to me, that's kinda unethical.

The MCU was designed to be a cinematic version of the comics. I don’t know about you, but it was never my expectation that the movies would be identical to the comics. In fact, that would just be unreasonable: there are so many different versions of the comics, different storylines, characters that wouldn’t ever meet unless the storyline was altered. To me, the MCU is awesome, but something that should be looked at as separate from the comics.


(Sorry, vacation) I think it always depends on the person, though. I prefer when movies stick pretty close to the written material, if that's what it's mirroring. (/ supposedly inspired by) Of course, I look to other various things, such as quality in general. The Harry Potter series is probably the ultimate example. I respect the fact that J.K Rowling has gone to such great lengths to keep all of her advertised products, as nearly identical to the written word.