forum Marvel Tribute to Infinity Characters who died in Infinity Wars. ( CONTAINS SPOILERS SO DO NOT PARTICIPATE IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT!)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers


I may have seen Winter Soldier, but I’m not sure. I remember me and my sister were gonna watch the first Captain America, but we decided to watch Spider Man one and two instead.

Deleted user

They're really good movies. You have to watch Captain America first though before you watch Winter Soldier.

Deleted user

You also have to watch Avengers: Age of Ultron and all the Avenger movies also.

Deleted user

Did you watch all the Captain America movies?

We should stop though because this is a tribute remember?



I have two favourites: Bucky and Loki. Infinity Wars killed off both of them

Deleted user

Lol, I'm sorry. Starts laughing really hard out of embarrassment and falls out bed.

Deleted user

Shut. The Heck. UP! Don't you DARE!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS THE WORST PART!!!!!!!!!

Deleted user

Who has seen Antman and the Wasp? raises hand and waves it in the air like I'm drowning